10 May 2012


I've been reading this thread over at TCOYF for a bit now, and I still can't get over how much pain there is from those women plagued with infertility. It seriously breaks my heart.

I'm happy to see that many of them went on to conceive in one way or another, sometimes only a few months after their rants. Some women fell off the face of the earth and others, I'm sure, are still struggling, but those positive stories really lift my spirits.

Reading those also made me realize... I have a lot to be thankful for. Despite all these cycles of trying, let's be realistic: It's only been five cycles, I'm pretty young at 27, both DH and I are at least relatively healthy and there don't seem to be signs of infertility for either one of us. We both have great jobs, a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, things that we both want and need, and we have money left over. And of course, we have each other!

In many ways, we're much better off than several people I know either in real life or through the internet, including those on the TCOYF boards. And truth be told, we really haven't been trying that long, among all other good things in our lives right now.

A baby would really only add to this great situation we're in, and while I do want one desperately, I also realize that for every cycle that goes by where we don't get pregnant, someone equally or even more deserving is crying with joy over their BFP. Someone is being blessed by the universe with their own bundle of joy after what is hopefully a very happy and healthy pregnancy.

And soon, it'll be our time, too. So long as others are experiencing this joyful occasion, so I can wait for our perfect baby blessed by the universe. :)


  1. omg :( This REALLY puts things in perspective. Josh and I actually had a talk the other night before my dr appointment and I just looked at him and said"no matter what our outcome is, you're enough for me." He looked at me like I was crazy, but really as much as I would LOVE to bring a child into this, even if we can't, I've been blessed with a great husband and I should really remember that more :)

  2. Aw, hon. I admit, this is still something I struggle with every day, but keeping it in perspective really does help. :) And awww, what a sweet thing to say!! I'm sure he didn't get the full impact of it, but you're absolutely right.

    Though I'm still a-hopin' and a-prayin' that you will soon add a child into the mix. ;)

    By the way, how did your appointment go?! How are you feeling?!

  3. The appointment went REALLY well, I updated on LJ :) and I feel really good, much more relaxed after talking to my dr. We had a wonderful heart to heart so it was therapeutic :)

    How are YOU feeling? :)

  4. *Hugs* And, I know this is a cliche, but it was true for me after the neverending labour & was true for all my friends who've had several rounds of IVF to get their little miracles (& one is about to start it all over again for baby #2) after years of TTC, so cliche or not, I'm going to repeat it:

    When you do finally meet that precious little baby, it is *all* worth it. Anything & everything you went through to get them is completely forgotten & you'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. I promise.

  5. Oh, wonderful! I'm so happy to hear that! :D I haven't been on LJ in a bit, so I'll run on over and check out the full version. I'm so glad you feel better and that you have a GREAT doctor on your side!

    I'm feeling all right! Taking it day by day. Will have to find some way to distract myself while DH is out of town next week, but that shouldn't be *too* bad. ;)

  6. Thank you, Julia. :) That also puts things into perspective: Waiting for the final product, if you will, not just the process. I know I'll want to go through it all over again when all said and done! <3


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