17 May 2012

CD30, Cycle 5 - 12DPO

Feeling better today, mostly because my temp went back up to 98.14 this morning. XD Again with the emotions tied to the temperatures!

I also feel a little more energetic, which is nice. The bad thing I'm feeling today, though, is stomach upset. I'm still getting cramps (very intermittently and much nicer than the last two days especially) and my lower back hurts like a mofo, but the stomach upset is the worst and just started today. I had some eggs and potatoes with ketchup this morning -- breakfast of champions, whut -- and now I feel like I'm going to hurl.

This iced coffee should help with that, right? :P

Seriously, though. Today's a good day. I didn't POAS, so nothing is tied to that; in fact, if I just pee first thing in the morning and don't turn around to fish a cup or a pee stick out of the medicine cabinet, I'm good to go. My mind doesn't really let me POAS after the morning, lol. So there's no temptation there.

Part of me is tempted, though, to POAS tomorrow morning and, if positive, surprise DH. But I'm just gonna wait until Saturday; AF is expected that morning (yup, always in the morning -- thanks for ruining a perfectly good day, AF), so if she doesn't come... well, then it'd be time to find out.

Time will tell, time will tell. Until then, damn straight, I'm carrying my fertility doll with me everywhere and rubbing the stone in her belly with my thumb, secretly whispering to the Universe to allow me to have something just as beautiful in my own belly. <3


  1. My AF is a morning person too, what is with that?

    Good luck! I hope you continue to feel horribly sick for three more months! :)

  2. Yay, I'm glad your temp went up! I'm still sending you good preggo juju :D

  3. I don't know, totes not fair! But I guess... she gets it over and done with. No midday surprises. ;)

    And thank you! LOL, never thought I'd thank someone for "Hey, feel shitty!" ;D

  4. Me, too! :) Thanks so much, and right back at'cha, of course!

  5. I'm jealous of those of you with predictability!

    Glad your temp went up.

    Wait until Saturday; it's only a couple more days!

  6. Girl I'm excited for you! I hope that temp stays up!

  7. I'm incredibly lucky on that end, I won't lie. :) My sister has problems with regular cycles, as I mentioned before, and I can't imagine going through those swings all the time. Charting helped a lot with figuring out when everything else happens, too -- it's kinda funny!

    Thanks, Tori. :) And I'm holding out, just a couple days! Yipes...

  8. Haha, thanks, Nicola! Me, too, on both points! :D


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