11 May 2012

CD24, Cycle 5 - 6DPO(??): Still thankful, just emotional.

Behind a cut as I'm sure y'all don't want to read. XD

And I was having such a good day yesterday. A good cycle overall, really.

Then I overhear a coworker right across the hall from me talking to a friend, and one of the first things is, "So are you still pregnant or what?" And later, "I can't believe they let you go that long!" (41 weeks, I think.) And some other stuff.

I want to lose my shit, seriously. It's been such a relaxing cycle of just having fun and focusing on our relationship that I haven't really had the chance to get emotional. Now that I'm 6DPO (or 8DPO or 4DPO, IDK, depending on what the hell is going on with my chart) and the waiting game has officially begun, I find myself struggling to keep the same peace I had through my follicular phase. And I find myself failing miserably, despite the happy face I'm trying to slap on.

I get a baby fix on Saturday when my husband's coworker and his family come over to celebrate said coworker's birthday (today!) and my husband's birthday (Sunday!). Their baby (this baby!!) is three or so months old, and he is just ADORABLE. We haven't met him yet, so I'm looking forward to getting some baby cuddles (and maybe having some of that juju rub off on me, haha).

How my emotions will handle having a baby around... I'm not entirely sure. It probably helps that, despite being good with babies in general, I still feel uncomfortable around other parents' babies, probably because I don't want to overstep any bounds. :) But still, being around a squiggly baby is going to be rough. I'm gonna just try to enjoy it, though. I mean, come on... BABY!!

AND it's Mother's Day this Sunday. Super yay, I'm sure. :P Since it's also DH's birthday, as I mentioned before, I'm expecting many a sappy phone call from MIL, which... I can't even handle right now, TBH. I kind of want to take a test on Mother's Day, even though I'll likely only be at 8DPO and will likely get a negative. Maybe it'll hold me over for the rest of the week, though, while DH is out of town.

My back is also killing me, possibly from laying all those rocks yesterday (we added some to our front yard, it looks amazing!), and I'm cramping. Eurgh. I need a massage... badly.

So that's how things currently are. Thanks so much for being here and being such great support... I really appreciate it, especially since DH doesn't want to hear it all the time. ;)


  1. If you end up liking hanging out with a squiggly baby while TTC you are welcome to hang out with mine! ;-)

  2. I hope you're doing ok. Remember it is 100% ok to lose your shit once in awhile. This cycle has been awesome for you guys so if you need a minute or day, feel free to take it.
    Also go get a massage, you deserve it :) And maybe take a test on mother's day, just for fun. Even if it's negative it doesn't mean you're NOT pregnant, but it's mother's day, why not? ;)

  3. Haha, I didn't get the squiggly baby this weekend, so I might have to take you up on that!

  4. Better today than on Friday. That was just a bad day, and I feel better after having lost my shit, lol. :)

    And I still need to get that massage! My body has been sore all weekend, and since DH is out of town, maybe this week will be the perfect time to get it. :) Mmm, massage!


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