25 May 2012

CD7, Cycle 6 - It's a...!

My days have been SWAMPED recently. I slept for 11 or so hours Wednesday night, which was sorely needed as I had to get up really early the next day and do a whole day's worth of training and getting everything ready for a surprise birthday party for a coworker. It was insane, I tell you! Only now am I getting a breather, and it's like a pant rather than a wheeze.


During one of the seminars today, awesome attorney-boss was at a prenatal appointment earlier today with his wife for a gender scan! I sent him an email while he was there about something different, and he replied, then said:
Still at the scan. It's a girl!
Cue me spazzing internally for, like, five minutes! I sent back a congrats (in CAPS and with !exclamations! and all that jazz) and went on spazzing for a bit, haha.

I'm really, REALLY excited. So much so that I was talking to Melissa earlier about setting up a baby shower for him here at some point -- she suggested a month before the due date, so about mid-September. So I have a while to plan. Whee!!

I hate the person that has come of this whole TTC journey, though. While I'm absolutely thrilled (and very bemused by how he wonders what playing Barbies will be like and his hope that, between his son and the new baby's NINE male cousins, she'll be a tomboy, lol), I've become rather bitter about the whole thing. Not him, not of his family, not even of his situation. Just overall.

Especially now that some more friends have announced their pregnancies, almost in a way that was like... well, we managed to get it done quickly! It just makes me think that there's something wrong with me, which is stupid because there isn't, but when they say something like that...

I don't know. I think people can just get swept up in their own little worlds and completely disregard the fact that someone is struggling with the same thing they managed to achieve, sometimes with very little to no effort. That's made even worse when those people know that someone is struggling and that person has shared her pain with them.

Eurgh. Anyway, this was supposed to be a happy post, but as with most TTC/baby-related posts, it went all negative again.

So yes, awesome attorney-boss is having a girl! Now to plan a baby shower. :D Melissa gave me some great ideas (like, seriously, you can throw baby showers for the father-to-be!), so I'll be busy working on that the next few months!


  1. First, sorry! I had to reformat my laptop on Wednesday, and when I was catching up with blogs I forgot about coming here; I blame the fact it's not updating in my blogroll thing!

    Anyway, congrats to the soon to be parents.

    I can understand where you're coming from though. On the one hand it's like, "YAY! Congrats! I'm so happy for you!" On the other hand it's like, "No fair! Why isn't it me?"

  2. Don't worry about getting the negative out in your posts, it's better than bottling it all up inside.


  3. No worries! :) I haven't really been around the blogosphere recently and feel bad that I have a lot of catch-up for you, too! Hopefully today proves a little slower so I can get to that!

    And yes, that's exactly it. Because I AM excited, but can't get as thrilled as I want to. It suuucks.

  4. Thanks, hon. :) And same to you, of course! <3

  5. No big deal. My posts aren't going anywhere. ;) Just so you know though. If you want to enter the giveaway, you only have 2 days left to do so.

    And, yeah, it does suck. I remember when little Emma was on her way I felt the same. And when I first held her it was like, "you're so cute; why can't you be mine?" And when I found out she was having a baby brother I couldn't help thinking how unfair it was that now Louise was going to have 2 and I didn't even have 1 of them; even while congratulating her and knitting a blanket for the baby who turned out to be Harrison.


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