16 May 2012

CD29, Cycle 5 - 11DPO (I am having A Day)

My temp dropped this morning, some of the tenderness in my breasts is gone (though the shooting pains are not), and I've been cramping with a lower backache for four days now. This is getting ridiculous.

I hate that my emotions are tied to my temperatures.

The last thing I want is for AF to arrive today or tomorrow... that'll mean too short a LP for anything to happen. Grr. AF, if you're going to come... wait until after 13DPO, please?

Nothing else... I don't have the strength today.


  1. I heard some people can experience cramps and such around the time of ovulation; maybe that's all it is? Maybe the suffering is a good thing?


  2. Haha, I hope so! I almost never get cramps before AF, probably because AF cramps suck so bad that my body gives me a break by torturing me only one or two days out of a cycle. ;) I'm past ovulation, but I'm wondering if it's implantation... for four days, though?!

    :hugs back!: Thank you, Tori. I'm so glad to have you here. :)

  3. I followed you over from 'trying4ababy' on LJ (username is Cheeseydreams).

    :( how much of a temp drop if you don't mind me asking? Maybe it'll go back up tomorrow.

    *hugs* I'm praying that this is just a fluke temp.


    It went from 98.2 to 97.9, so not a huge drop, but enough to make me worried and to think I might need to anticipate AF. It's either that or an estrogen surge for implantation (which is controversial, but I'm holding out hope), especially since I've also been cramping the past four days. GRR.

    Anyway, so that's how it is. :) I hope it is, too! And thanks for your encouraging comment. <3

  5. :)

    That's not too big of a drop, but I know how discouraging it can be.

    I cramped a lot starting from about 9 or 10DPO and for the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. I don't want to get your hopes up, but don't totally let the cramps get you down.

    It's a huge roller coaster of emotions and it gets so draining, just try to hang in there.

    I'm sending you good preggo juju. <3

  6. That's actually encouraging. :) What did your cramps feel like? Mine are like AF, but intermittent (AF tends to draaaaag on like her bitchy self, lol) and a bit lighter, though there are some intense ones that make me want to shout expletives. LOL

    You're right, it is! I'm trying, and it's ladies like you who help. :) Thanks so much for the juju! <3

  7. I had back cramps, which were kind of dull and achy with the occasional sharp twinge front cramp (if that makes any sense?). It was odd for me because I never got cramps prior to AF, except for the previous cycle, so I thought that it was an awesome new PMS symptom that I'd have to get used to.

  8. Huh... sounds a lot like what I have going on. I know every woman is different, but I do hope it's because of implantation or something. I'm not one to have pre-period cramps, either, so here's to hoping...!

  9. Try not to overthink the temps too much! My temp was barely hanging above the coverline up to 8dpo this cycle (and probably would have done so for longer if implantation had taken place later) and dropped again 0.22 degrees the day after my positive test. It didn't mean anything! I also had cramping from 8-11dpo. The cramps were milder than my AF cramps, but enough to make me paranoid that AF was about to arrive.

    This will seem kind of silly and is probably the kind of thing that can backfire for some people, but it helped me to turn off my temp alarm as soon as I verified O and just take my temp whenever I happened to take up. That way I might have a general idea of the range it was in, but couldn't compare it too specifically to my previous (on-time) temps. Or you could just stop temping once you confirm O (I wasn't quite strong enough for that). It just seems like you derive a lot of stress from the temping and it might be better to be able to refocus on something else during the luteal phase.

    I'm crossing my fingers for you. *hugs*

  10. CERIDWEN! OMG, hi! :D It's so awesome to see you over here, and of course, congrats again! Wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy!!

    Oof, those are the same cramps. Some have been INTENSE, too, like having to stop what I was doing kind of intense. I hope it means implantation, but it could be that my body's saying eff you, haha. We'll just have to see. Thanks for sharing your experiences, by the way; I've been meaning to ask!

    That's actually not a terrible idea. It's just that I wake up at the same time for work every day, and that's when I've been temping, so I kind of developed a pattern at this point. I'm not strong enough to stop temping, either... I want to know what's going on, ha. :) And that weakness bleeds into HPTs, too! Damn.

    Thank you thank you again, Cer. Much love, many hugs, and if you have any baby juju to rub off on me... well, you know where I am! ;)

  11. Chin up girl! You're still above cover:) try not to stres, easier said than done I know. Happy thoughts, it's not over until that old bitch shows her ugly face xoxo

  12. Hey, hon! :) Yup, I know, but temp drops in previous charts have = AF, so I'm a little wary. But I'm trying to keep it positive!

    How sad, "that old bitch" made me LOL IRL. ;)


  13. Thanks! We're really excited but it turns out all that worry you had during the TWW carries over into "what if I miscarry" as soon as you get the positive test. Sigh. My mom miscarried her first (so did one of my aunts) which I think makes me especially nervous about this pregnancy. And the spotting over the weekend just heightened that. I'm trying really hard to stick to positive thoughts though.

    I lied. Apparently it dropped 0.27 degrees the day after my first positive test (from 98.17 to 97.90, HA!). So yeah, temp drop of that size doesn't mean much.

    Other stuff I did to reduce my temping: Gave one of my BBTs to my husband to keep away from me (I have two of course...I've even compared them against each other to make sure the temps can be considered the same from a statistical standpoint). The other I moved to the bathroom so that I HAD to get out of bed and walk there before temping (again, a way to make it less reliable on purpose, LOL). The side benefit of all of it was that it made it easier for me to stop temping once not long after my positive test, so that I can't stress over every little change in temp.

    Another way to think about it all: It HAS to be lower sometimes, right? Because our bodies aren't so perfectly regulated for you to always get the exact same temp. And if it only went up bad things would eventually happen! So some days it will be a little lower, and some days a little higher, just within the range of normal. It CAN mean AF is coming, or it can just be that you are having a slightly lower temp day. I don't know that your charts really show a very specific pattern in terms of temps right before AF.

    Sending all my baby thoughts to you!

  14. Oh, I hear you there! I think you'll be fine, though -- miscarriages don't really run in the family. :) I'll be thinking of you!!

    WHOAH, almost .3 degrees?! That's crazy! Absolutely insane. Well... maybe I have a chance after all. Hopefully it doesn't mean much; I'm interested to see what happens tomorrow.

    Haha, I admit that I haven't done that, used two thermometers. :) Gotta ask, have you noticed a difference? And interesting about wanting to make it less reliable! Funny thing is, I temped this morning, got up to pee, got back in bed and temped again... it was the same. Damn, lol. Wonder if you saw a difference! And yeah, I'd probably stress about temps after a positive test, so I'll probably have to do something similar and put the damn thing away. ;)

    And that's what I keep telling myself! I was running INCREDIBLY high last night (temp right before bed was over 99! I never run that warm), then woke up with a low temp. My body needed to regulate itself, I guess. :) Tomorrow will be the true test -- if it drops again, I can reasonably assume that it's over, but again... like Nicola said, until the old bitch shows up... LOLOL (still laughing over that) The only regular pattern I see for pre-AF temps is that I have one day of lower ones, then it's all over. They're all pretty much preceded by at least two days of zOMG HIGH TEMPS.

    So we'll see. Thanks, Cer, and right back at'cha for a sticky one! <3

  15. The first BBT is a Walgreens one. The second is a Mabis (Walmart) one that I got because I noticed that the Walgreens one seemed to have "favorite temps". I compared them to each other by taking my temp at the same time with both thermometers (one on each side of my mouth) ten times. I switched the side each thermometer was on each time, and waited 5-10 minutes between each time temping so the thermometers could cool down (can you tell I'm a scientist?). When I tested them against each other I found that yes, the Walgreens one DOES have favorite temps. Basically it doesn't *really* measure to the 100ths place. But overall it gave the same temps as the Mabis (which does not suffer from the favorite temps problem). For any one particular temp it they would read slightly different (as expected), but the average of each thermometer across the ten temps was *exactly* the same. The Walgreens thermometer also gave the temps in about half the time the Mabis took and has a larger display. So despite the favorite temps issue (which appears to earn it a lot of bad reviews) with the Walgreens thermometer I think either one is a totally reasonable choice.

    As for getting up to walk to the bathroom before temping: I also don't think that made a big difference for me. Two of my high (presumably post-implantation) temps near the end of my LP were taken in bed, three were taken in the bathroom, and they are all in the same range (97.9-98.17). It gave me a justifiable reason to pay less attention to them though!

  16. "I'm glad :) I know what you mean. Just look how crazy temping made me.."did I or didn't I? wtf is going on?" etc it's so annoying but it's not over yet...keep telling yourself that :)

  17. You never know...

    Hoping for the best for you!



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