05 May 2012

CD, um... 18. Yeah, that's it. Cycle 5.

Still apathetic, obviously. XD

Tonight is the Super Moon!! DH and I are hoping to, ah... harness its powers, haha, before we go out later tonight to actually see it. It's really overcast so our chances of seeing it aren't good, but we're still going to try.

I'm so superstitious when it comes to that stuff, and I've learned that DH can be, too. He's convinced that the powers of Beltane (which was this past 1 May) and the Super Moon tonight will mean some super-strong baby-makin' juju.

Truth be told, I don't mind one way or the other. It'd be great, but I'm not entirely banking on it. I just wanted to have fun this time around, and so far, we've been having alot of fun. See?

Lots andlots of fun. ;)

The only thing that I've found interesting this cycle is how low my temps have been. Like, seriously, they've been hanging so low the past few days. We haven't done anything special over the nights except had the A/C on to normal limits and the fan running on low -- it's been so humid the past few days. I feel sticky right now... yuck. So the environment is, if anything, warmer than usual.

I'm hoping they soar tomorrow. It is CD18, after all. Apparently.

In non-baby-makin' news, I was told by awesome attorney-boss that I'm worth more than my last billable-hour firm was charging per hour of my time (which was a lot, by the way) (yay!), my weight is up (boo!), I have a new iPad (yay!) and we're thinking about upgrading my laptop to become the "family" computer (double yay!), Mother's Day is next Sunday (yay! and boo! because that's also DH's birthday and, well,
we'rehe's gonna have phone calls like CRAZY that day), DH is out of town for a week the day after (boo!), and we're otherwise doing great (obvs yay! is obvs).

Oh, and I had a beer at work yesterday. My job fucking ROCKS.


  1. Relaxing & having fun? Sounds like the best way to do it!

  2. that sounds amazing! I wish I could have a beer at work haha. Sounds like there is a lot of stuff going on for you guys this month :) Hopefully those temps rise soon <3

  3. Right? And so far, I'm likin' it!

  4. Haha! Yeah, I'm usually kinda "aw hell naw" about that, but when I saw both awesome attorney-boss and awesome prez-boss going for it, all bets were off.

    It's been a good month! I hope they do, too -- pretty sure now that I ovulated on Saturday, so we'll see! Thanks, hon! <3


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