14 May 2012

CD27, Cycle 5 - 9DPO: Happy (belated) Mother's Day!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!! It was DH's birthday, too, so we went to see The Avengers (which was AWESOME) and had dinner at Outback Steakhouse (which is rough for a vegetarian, but their steamed veggies are good, if overly buttered). I also got to Skype my mom for about an hour, which was so nice -- I wish we had the time to do that more often. <3

Yesterday was a bit rough, though. I'll give you that. Took a pregnancy test and it was negative, which I fully expected, but it still hurt.

That's not the only thing that hurt, though. My lower back keeps aching, and I woke up this morning with pretty crazy painful cramps. It's too early at 9DPO for AF to arrive, so I'm a little worried. I've had cramps before in previous cycles, but these hurt so much that they woke me up. (Right on time, too, as my alarm apparently decided it didn't want to go off this morning. THANKS ALARM)

That, and all these other symptoms. I want my tea, but it smells too powerful for me to drink it; I want coffee, but the thought of it turns my stomach. And while my stomach is already funky, food isn't helping -- the bagel I had for breakfast is struggling to stay down.

OH. And by far the weirdest (and most disturbing) thing: I've been craving a cheeseburger. Not a veggie burger with cheese, a beef patty cheeseburger. It both amazes and disgusts me. I don't know what's going on; I haven't had a craving like this since I first went vegetarian and had to get over the hump that is weaning yourself off a certain food group. When we went out to dinner last night, DH ordered this steak, and I really, really wanted to have a bite. It was almost overwhelming.

That one really grosses me out. Eurgh. I hope that, when I eventually am pregnant, I don't end up craving meat. :| I'm thinking it might be an iron issue, which I'm going to look into this week.

I want to say this is all mental. That I'm psyching myself out, especially since I can't take another test until Saturday morning*. I'm sincerely hoping this isn't the case, but considering the past four cycles, I don't want to get my hopes up then risk them all crashing down.

*DH is out of town until then. He asked me to hold off on POAS until he came back. In the meantime, he'll be in San Diego, enjoying the beautiful weather. :P

Damn, though, I'm tired and I need some tea. Or coffee.


  1. I'm sorry you had a bit of a rough day yesterday. I kept myself occupied at work so I got to miss all the mother's day hoopla with Josh's family, which was nice admittedly.

    The iron thing, I assume you're taking prenatal vitamins? Have you checked the iron content in your vitamins? You may need a higher supplement but with higher iron comes constipation so make sure you drink lots of water:) If it's not an iron/anemia issue, you might be pregnant :)

  2. Haha, considering your inlaws, I'm sure you had a great time on your own! ;)

    And I am, have been since we started TTC. The iron content is 100% with a full dose (4 vitamins), and I get that in almost every day. I'm thinking I might step up the leafy greens and add some more protein to my diet, see if that helps. My iron levels have always been great, even as a vegetarian, so I might just need to up my intake.

    But yes, that's crossed my mind... ;) Here's to hoping!! <3

  3. Ha yes they had the full pregnant troops out and about yesterday which would have been hard.

    4 vitamins? Man alive that's alot! Mine is one super dose daily. I would definitely try change up the diet a bit and see if that helps any. Can't wait to find out what happens for you this month :)

  4. LOL! The pregnant troops. They sound like an insurgence team, which I guess they kind of are! I would have lost it, seriously... so glad you didn't have to go through that. :)

    Haha! Well, four of the same kind. I take two in the morning and two in the evening. I don't know if it's because they're vegetarian vitamins or not, but it DOES seem like a lot! I love them, though, they're wonderful. What kind are you taking?

    And yay, me, neither! I haven't seen you posting to LJ recently; how are you doing?

  5. ha yes they had a massive fam brunch so 2 pregnant people would have been a bit difficult esp since J's cousin is all psycho about it now as in CAN'T STOP MENTIONING IT :s slightly awkward

    I'm taking Jamieson natural sources prenatal. One a day :)

    I'm doing well! I'm *cautiously* optimistic I FINALLY ovulated. Have some symptoms too so I'm hoping:) I'm about to post in LJ now actually

  6. Just saw and replied. :D Yay, better news than I was hoping!

    Okay, yeah, that whole constant mentioning? My sister would do that, seriously. It's so annoying. Your family knows you're trying, or no? I'd think it even more callous if they knew yet STILL let those comments continue. I think I'd get to the point where I'd be like, "YES, we KNOW you're PREGNANT, now SHUT the FUCK UP." ;) LOL

  7. HAA no they don't. We decided we wanted to keep it between us especially where his family is so involved. When his sister was trying(for like one month) everyone was all"so any news yet?!" So I know I'd be facing the same questions. We don't want the added pressure especially since my cycle went all apeshit in March.
    I'm glad we made that call, his sister is good not mentioning it, I think she suspects we're trying so she doesn't mention ANYTHING baby related around us which is nice of her...considering she wanted our baby girl name! ha

  8. If you don't conceive this cycle (which I hope you did/do), I challenge you to NOT TEST UNTIL you are 14 DPO.. Seriously girl? Just wait. :P :P :P :P

  9. Also, if you are craving meat, I see that you have thought about doing an iron supplement (which I've had to do with both of my pregnancies- and I eat meat), it sounds like a good idea to me especially in the first trimester when your body is building that placenta!

  10. LOL, easier said than done with the 14DPO thing! It helps that DH is out of town, I won't lie. ;) I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE

    Yup, and definitely going to look into iron pills. I'm going to see if food-based vegetarian iron will help first, but if that craving doesn't go away in a week, then I'll be lookin' at those pills! Eurgh, moar constipation. D:

  11. Lemme tell you.. I know how much constipation sucks. It's shitty. (not really...hahahahah)

  12. HA! I see what you did there! (Totally snortlaughed. ;))

  13. Semi-related story: My mum's friend is vegetarian & tried to remain so during pregnancy, made sure to have plenty of iron, etc. First 2 pregnancies, no issues whatsoever. Those two children were raised vegetarian through to adulthood (no idea if they still are, but when I last saw them, they were). Pregnancies 3 & 4, insane meat cravings (all kinds, not just red) no matter how much iron she had. Those two children? Hardcore omnivores, despite her valiant efforts to raise them veg too! I remember when the youngest was a toddler, the oldest two used to call chicken "yucky" to try & discourage her from eating it... so they'd come over for lunch & this darling little girl would sit there asking "More yucky? More yucky?"!

    And this is purely anecdotal, but from what I've seen, really intense cravings seem to be indicatve of the baby's future favourite foods. (With the exception of my aunt who insists she used to crave pickles & icecream while pregnant, but I think she's fibbing, haha)

  14. Oh man... maybe it's selfish of me, but I hope that's not the case! With the cravings indicating baby's favorite foods, I mean. But I think you're right -- my mom told us that she craved vegetables with me, junk food with my sister, and simple foods with my brother, and that's pretty much what we all like. It's crazy, but makes sense; after all, that's their first (and most prominent) exposure, one that gave Mom pleasure and would likely thereby give Baby pleasure!

    I hope it's not meat, though. LOL

    As for the iron thing, I had a really iron-rich dinner last night of sweet potatoes, onion (not iron-rich, but still delicious!), pumpkin seeds, spinach, and garlic, and it was UH-MA-ZING. And killed the meat craving, I hope -- at least, I don't have it yet today. ;)


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