31 August 2012

Pregnancy: 6w!

So I hit 6 weeks today! It's been a weird week, so there are a number of changes this time around.

Cravings: Sweets. It's ridiculous how much I drooled over a cupcake yesterday. With chocolate frosting! I don't even like chocolate frosting!

What I love: That it actually happened! I’m still in shock and denial. [Same]

What I hate: Morning sickness!

What I miss: Beer, already. Probably because pumpkin brews are right around the corner, le sigh. [Same]

What I’m looking forward to the most: My first appointment at 8 weeks! [Same] And telling our families this weekend!!!

Worries: That it won’t stick. That’s a big worry right now. [Same]

Symptoms: Morning sickness/nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, frequent urination, sore breasts (though not as sore as before). M/S actually kicked in hardcore a few days ago -- I think Tuesday night. It's been pretty miserable ever since, and I feel it only getting worse. It's terrible in the morning and at night.

Mood: Going between ambivalent and excited, especially when I think about telling people. :) [Same] You know what's weird, though? No mood swings. It's very strange.

Sleep: It's okay. Could be worse!

Movement: Um, none. Way too early for that. LOL [Same]

The belly (and the button!): Belly button still in! [Same]

Wedding rings on or off: On! [Same]

Waist (measured at the belly button: No way to measure. I really should start doing this, lol. [Same... apparently, I never learn]

Milestones: We got our BFP!! A very obvious milestone to begin all other future milestones. :D [Same]

Best moment of the week: Making our reveal video!! I can't wait to share it with our parents this Labor Day!

How your baby's growing:

This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil.

How your life's changing:

You may find yourself developing a bit of a split personality — feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), what you're going through is normal. Ricocheting emotions are caused partly by fluctuating hormones. But hormones aside, your life is about to change in a big way — and who wouldn't feel emotional about that?

Spotting (spots of blood on your underpants or toilet tissue after urinating) or bleeding is relatively common in early pregnancy, affecting up to a quarter of pregnant women. It may occur in a normal pregnancy, but sometimes it can be the first sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. If you have any spotting or bleeding, call your provider.
The chewable alternative "My prenatal vitamins made me sick, so my doctor gave me a prescription for fruit-flavored chewable prenatal vitamins and suggested I take them with meals. That really helped." — Janice

Surprising Facts: Could it be twins?

Sure, twins run in families and you're more likely to be carrying multiples if you've undergone fertility treatments, but any woman can become pregnant with more than one baby. Could you be one of them?

Your odds of carrying twins
  • Overall, about one in 31 births (greater than 3 percent) are twin births. But your chances of having twins are much less — 1 in 89 — if you conceive without medical assistance. The overall odds of bearing triplets or higher-order multiples is about 1 in 565.

  • Identical twins usually happen by chance. Your likelihood of having identical, or monozygotic, twins (when one fertilized egg divides in half) is about 1 in 250.

  • A number of factors affect your odds of having fraternal twins or higher-order multiples. Fertility treatments dramatically increase your odds. On average, 20 to 25 percent of women who take fertility drugs or undergo in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproductive techniques end up carrying more than one baby.
Other factors that influence the likelihood of having fraternal twins
  • Once you have a set of fraternal twins, you're twice as likely to have another set in a future pregnancy.

  • Fraternal twins run in families, so if you're a twin or related to twins, you're more likely to have a set yourself. Your partner's family history doesn't appear to affect your odds of having twins.

  • The older you are, the greater your chances of having naturally occurring fraternal twins or higher-order multiples. Hormonal changes in older women are a likely cause.

  • Fraternal twins are more common than average in African Americans and less common in Hispanics and Asians.

  • The more pregnancies you've had, the greater your chances of having twins.

  • Twins are more common in large and tall women than in small women.
When you'll find out whether you're carrying twins

These days, women typically discover they're having more than one baby during an ultrasound, often in the first trimester. If you opt for first-trimester genetic screening, you'll have an ultrasound between 11 and 13 weeks. If you're pregnant as a result of a fertility treatment, you'll probably have an earlier ultrasound, usually within the first eight weeks to count the number of embryos that have implanted. Your practitioner also will recommend an ultrasound if your uterus is larger than would be expected given the number of weeks since your last period. Ultrasound is almost foolproof at revealing multiple pregnancies, particularly after six to eight weeks. However, the more babies you're carrying, the easier it is for one to get overlooked.
  • Fertility treatments dramatically increase your odds of having fraternal twins and higher-order multiples.


  1. I LOVE that you're 13 days ahead of me! All your posts are so helpful with what for me to expect so soon. I am totally freaking out about an early miscarriage and am so jealous of you for already hitting 6 weeks (even though that's still your fear). ;-) I feel like if I can get to 6 weeks, I will breathe a liiiiiittle easier... But the real milestone is 12 weeks, of course. I can't wait to keep following you through the preggo journey.

    Sorry about the morning sickness! I am not looking forward to that. My sister-in-law is exactly a trimester ahead of me and she says anything ginger helps: ginger ale, ginger cookies, even a bit of raw ginger. Random tip, she also said that coconut oil from Whole Foods helps way better than shea butter for stretchmarks. ;-)

    Your "what I miss" is the same as mine: I LOVE fall seasonals and Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale is my absolute FAVORITE. I even told DH before we found out, "Oh man, if I'm PG this cycle I'm going to miss Punkin Ale!!!" You must be so close to the brewery, living in MD! I think it's either in MD or Delaware--can't remember which one. DH said he's going to get a bottle for me and save it in the fridge until the spring--aint he sweet? Another beer to look forward to: I got my hands on 3 Floyd's Dark Lord Imperial Stout (world class and released once a year at the 3 Floyd's brewery in Indiana) and gave it to DH as part of his wedding present. We agreed to drink it to celebrate the birth of our first child and for me to break my alcohol fast. It's nice to finally have a date as to when that'll happen!

    You MUST post about your family's reactions! I would have them on the phone as they're watching it so you can hear their reactions. Hearing their reactions is priceless (we told last night through face-time and a poster) and you will not want to miss the yells, screams, and (in the case of my Dad and brother) cursing with joy. ;-)

  2. Aw, yay! :D I'm glad they're helpful!! You have a LOT to look forward to. It might be different from mine, but the more I research, the more I realize I'm right in the bell curve, so that's exciting, haha. I hope you fare a bit better with the m/s! I'm breathing a bit better this week, but I'm still more than anxious about our first u/s, set for 14 September (8 weeks on the dot); after I see/hear the heartbeat, I'm sure it'll be even better. :)

    Ah, no worries! It comes with the territory. I imagine it's going to get worse before it gets better, so at least I'm bracing myself for that! I'm just fortunate that I haven't thrown up yet -- seriously hoping I don't. Ginger cookies actually do help a LOT -- I got some Triple Ginger ones from Trader Joe's, and they're great. I eat two or so after dinner just to keep the nighttime nausea down.

    Thanks for the coconut oil tip, too! I think I actually have some at home! :D

    YESSSSS OMG. Budweiser also used to make an AMAZING pumpkin ale, but they discontinued it when it was bought out. SO SAD! Dogfish is amazing, too! I miiiight have to have a sip of DH's if he gets some. I'm also considering getting a case just to hold onto until after the birth so I can enjoy a pumpkin brew in April/May. ;) I think you're right about the brewery, by the way! I think it's in MD. Not far from here, either! We NEED to go there someday! Maybe next Fall. ;)

    I sure will!! I'm hoping to record them through Skype or something, but IDK if that'll work. If anything, though, I'm really looking forward to the follow-up phone calls! THAT is going to be exciting!! OMGOMGOMG, your parents' reaction is HILARIOUS!! I don't think my dad or brother will cuss, but they'll both cry. Ha!

    EEE!! SO EXCITED!! :D And for you, too!! <3

  3. OMG I LOVE Trader Joe's!! This is the first place I've lived without one but we're getting one at the end of October (finally). I will have to drive an hour and a half to the nearest one before then to stock up on the Ginger Cookies--love it!

    Awwww 8 week ultrasound! It's SO soon--two weeks! That's going to be an amazing moment. The OBGYN scheduled mine for Oct. 8, at 9 1/2 weeks, so I've got a while to wait. *sigh* Let me know how yours goes!

    Oh you'll love this (with your love of Halloween and all ;-) ): My 2nd trimester starts on Halloween day, so that's the day I'm going to announce it to acquaintances and Facebook. I'll probably do it with a picture of whatever my preggo costume is this year.

    Can't wait to hear how it goes down on Labor Day! I am awed by your self control not telling them sooner, though that was probably much smarter than us telling ours the day we found out, at exactly four weeks. So excited for you!!

  4. Aaaah! See, this is the first place I've ever lived with one nearby, and I've been fortunate -- there aren't any in my city, but there's one where I work, and there was one next to where I used to work, so I've been spoiled. :) I freakin' love it!! Those cookies are awesome, too -- my cousin-in-law turned me on to them!

    Anyway, it IS soon!! I wish it was at 9 or 10 weeks so we could see more, but DH leaves for business the Monday after the appointment and won't be back for two workweeks in a row, so we'd have to wait until 11 weeks. And, um... no way. I'm impatient. ;) 9.5 weeks for you! I can't WAIT to see how that goes, you'll be able to see so much!! :D

    OH MY GOD THAT'S AWESOME!! I can't WAIT to see that!! :D Ohhhh, you have to send me a picture or something!!

    Hahaha, the control is strictly because we live so far from them! If we still lived in FL, I'm sure we would have told them sooner. ;) At least this way, I can resist picking up the phone!

  5. Congrats on making it to 6 weeks!

    Peppermint tea helps with sickness too. I gave some to Louise when she was expecting Emma, and the times she actually did drink it she said it helped (though getting her to drink it was tricky since she doesn't generally like herbal tea). Alternatively - as already mentioned - anything with ginger in it. Ginger cookies and peppermint tea as a breakfast option would be ideal right now, I think (especially with your sweet craving).

  6. Loving your blog on pregnancy! Thanks for having it open to us! We are heading on vacation on Sunday and I am looking forward to catching up on reading....oh what am I talking about...on everything! I also give you tons of credit for blogging. I started one in March/April and had to stop after m/c. Was too too much.
    But, this has given me new inspiration to start it back up. And not breeze over those incomplete posts, but give them their own life, recognize and be open about the m/c and start. to. heal.
    Hugs to you, K

  7. Is BabyTalk Designs the people that make the shirt you posted for Halloween? I think so! They posted this on facebook this morning: "We hope everyone has a safe and happy labor day weekend! WE ARE THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE WE WILL BE CELEBRATING A "LABOR DAY" OF OUR OWN APPROXIMATELY 9 MONTHS FROM NOW...WHEN WE ADD A NEW LITTLE ONE TO OUR OWN FAMILY!! To celebrate, we are running a Labor Day SALE now through Monday in our etsy shop. Enter COUPON CODE LABORDAY at checkout to receive 20% off any order! (*can not be combined with other offers or on previous orders)"

    Go get 20% off!

  8. DFH is in Delaware, kinda near Rehobeth. (There is a brewpub in Rehobeth, which is where they brew experimental stuff, but the main brewery is inland a bit) We went there a few weeks before Anya was born because we had a one last romantic beach vacation. :-) There is a restaurant in Gaithersburg, but they actually just license the name and serve the beer.

    Heavy Seas and Flying Dog are Maryland microbrews.

  9. Ginger snap biscuits & peppermint tea was my breakfast for several weeks during first tri! Very nice combo (& effective)!


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