17 August 2012

Pregnancy: 4w (on the nose)

Matt totally surprised me by coming home a day early. :D And I’m 4 weeks today! YAY!!

Cravings: Condiments. It’s the weirdest thing. Pretty much anything I eat right now is just a device by which I shovel condiments in my mouth (TWSS).

What I love: That it actually happened! I’m still in shock and denial. [Same]

What I hate: Right now? Food. Good food especially, though I’m trying to make everything I eat actually good for me.

What I miss: Beer, already. Probably because pumpkin brews are right around the corner, le sigh. And full-force coffee – I’ve been drinking half-caff whenever I have some, but finishing is rare now.

What I’m looking forward to the most: Missing AF. I think then it’ll be more real. [Same] I have my first appointment right at 8 weeks, 14 September, so THAT’S pretty exciting, too!

Worries: That it won’t stick. That’s a big worry right now. [Same]

Symptoms: Hm. They come and go. Queasiness, hunger but an unwillingness to eat (I’ve lost 2lbs since the BFP), deep cramps, diarrhea (glad you asked, huh?), and exhaustion starting around 2pm.

Mood: Improved over Sunday, obviously! I swing, but not as far. I’m mostly happy. :)

Sleep: I can’t get to bed early and I wake up early, around 5:30-6am when my alarm doesn’t go off until 6:40. That kinda sucks.

Movement: Um, none. Way too early for that. LOL [Same]

The belly (and the button!): Bloated, but that’s par for the course. I hope it starts going down a bit… [Same] Belly button still in!

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Waist (measured at the belly button: Oh lord, I have no idea. I’m guessing 29.5”, measured by taking my waistbeads and lining them up with a sheet of 8.5”x11” paper. Ghetto, I know, but I don’t have a ruler. I’ll try when I get home. XD

Milestones: We got our BFP!! A very obvious milestone to begin all other future milestones. :D [Same]

Best moment of the week: Do I even have to say it? Come on now. [Same, lol]

How your baby's growing:

This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. From now until 10 weeks, all of your baby's organs will begin to develop and some will even begin to function. As a result, this is the time when she'll be most vulnerable to anything that might interfere with her development.

Right now your baby is an embryo the size of a poppy seed, consisting of two layers: the epiblast and the hypoblast, from which all of her organs and body parts will develop.

The primitive placenta is also made up of two layers at this point. Its cells are tunneling into the lining of your uterus, creating spaces for your blood to flow so that the developed placenta will be able to provide nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby when it starts to function at the end of this week.

Also present now are the amniotic sac, which will house your baby; the amniotic fluid, which will cushion her as she grows; and the yolk sac, which produces your baby's red blood cells and helps deliver nutrients to her until the placenta has developed and is ready to take over this duty.

How your life's changing:

Sometime this week, you may be able to find out whether you're pregnant. For the most accurate results, wait until the end of the week to take a home pregnancy test. (You can try one now if you like, but you're more likely to get a correct result a week past your expected period.)

If the test is positive, call your practitioner's office and schedule your first prenatal appointment. Most practitioners won't see you until you're about eight weeks along, unless you have a medical condition, had problems with a previous pregnancy, or are having symptoms that need to be checked out.

If you're taking any medications — prescription or over-the-counter — ask now whether it's safe to keep taking them. And be sure to alert your caregiver to any other issues of concern.

You should already be taking a multivitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. Once you're pregnant, you'll need a bit more — 600 mcg a day — so switch to a prenatal vitamin if you haven't already.

The next six weeks are critical to your baby's development. The rudimentary versions of the placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already functioning. Through the placenta, your baby is exposed to what you take into your body, so make sure it's good for both of you.

If your home pregnancy test is negative, take another at five weeks if you still haven't gotten your period. Many urine tests are not sensitive enough to detect a pregnancy at four weeks.

If you've been trying to conceive with no success for a year or more (or for six months if you're over 35), talk to your healthcare provider about a workup exam for you and your partner to spot possible fertility problems. While the results may be upsetting, finding out about a problem sooner rather than later will get you started on the road to treatment — and to your ultimate goal: having a baby.

Pregnancy test re-do "I took a home pregnancy test and got a negative result, but I just knew I was pregnant. I felt it, somehow. So I waited a few days and took another test, first thing in the morning. Sure enough, I was right — this time it was positive." — Anonymous


  1. In the beginning, I ate hot sauce like it was going out of style. My husband used to joke that they modeled that Frank's Red hot sauce commercial after me because I literally put that shit on everything. I just couldn't get enough. I still enjoy hot sauce, but not like I did in the first trimester. Now my new condiment is Ken's steak house Italian dressing. lol

  2. PS OMG I miss beer so much. It's hard to be around some of our friends when they drink, I get so jealous.

  3. OH my god, SERIOUSLY. DH asked last night if he could have some wine, and I gave him a death glare. We JUST found out, for chrissake, and you want a glass of freakin' wine?! Go fuck off. XD

  4. This is where I'll be lucky... I don't drink alcahol, and I don't drink coffee, and very rarely caffinated tea; I mostly drink water and peppermint tea (it was usually a variety of herbal or fruit teas, but in the past few weeks I've only wanted peppermint).

    Where are you getting the baby development info from? I know there are plenty of places to get it, but I was just wondering what site you were using.

  5. Aha! You ARE luckier than I. I feel like I'm cutting out a lot as a result, but it's more the temptation than anything. I'm sure that'll wax and wane as this moves forward. :)

    I'm getting them from BabyCenter.com. An example is here:


    Since I have my EDD entered in, they show me what week I'm on and offer a clickable timeline. IDK what it does if you're not registered or have an EDD, but it's a helpful site no matter what! :)

  6. As long as I don't start craving meat when I get pregnant, I'm cool with whatever cravings I might end up with. ;)

    Thanks for the link; will take a look.

  7. Ahahaha, likewise! The thought makes me a bit sick even now. ;)

    Very welcome! Hope it comes in handy!

  8. So exciting! Who is your first appointment with? At my 8 week we couldn't find the heartbeat yet so they scheduled me to go back 3 weeks later (normally it would be longer after the first appt) to hear it.

    They are a little uh... Old, but I have some of those preggo pop sucker things that you can have if you want, they didn't work so well for me. I'd offer you all of my pregnancy tea, but I imagine herbal stuff loses its efficacy a year later, perhaps.


  9. Truth, but since I REALLY want it for you, your want must be out of this world! :)

  10. Actually... I'm not sure!! They had the choice of three midwives, and I've seen David before, so I imagine they're going to book me with him as I did happen to mention that. I have not a clue, though! LOL Good point about the heartbeat, they mentioned the same. So is that normal protocol, to bring you back if you don't hear the heartbeat at the first appointment? 'Cause I'd love to go back and get some more ultrasound shots, haha. Hopefully one I can show awesome attorney-boss, too!

    ANYWAY. Ooh, that sounds wonderful, thank you!! I'm willing to try anything. I haven't really had nausea or anything in the past couple days, but I'm sure it'll come around. :P What all did you use for it?

    WHEE!!!! :D :D

  11. *Nods* Think about how desperate you were getting for it to happen, then bear in mind the fact we've been trying for 9 years, and you'll have some idea how bad I want it!

  12. Wheeeeee! So exciting! Apparently there is a neeeew midwife also occupying the tiny office accross from Susanne.

    I think it is probably normal to bring you back sooner if they don't find the heartbeat at the first appointment, though I don't know since I've only had the one. ;-) I didn't ask for it though, so I imagine it is normal! They don't do ultrasounds at the birth center though, so no pictures, you just get to hear it. Though I think that if you want pictures they'll write you an order whenever to get some(either at a radiology place, or at maternal fetal medicine). We just did a 20w ultrasound though, so I'm not sure.

    The preggo pops are supposed to be for nausea but I thought they just made it worse. :-P Lots of other people swear by it though. The tea is supposed to... I dunno, be full of trace minerals of healthiness and uterine toning magic. (I think it is this: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/Mamas-Red-Raspberry-Brew_Organic) I thought it tasted like artichokes though and was unwilling to drink it. I am unsure if this was a real or imagined artichoke taste. ;-)


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