14 August 2012

Pregnancy: 3w4d

It feels SO BIZARRE to be writing that. But alas, here I am!

I honestly don't think it'll hit me until I miss AF. Right now, I'm still four days away (anticipated AF is this Friday), so I'm still on pins and needles, expecting to bleed.

My friend Ellen brought up a good point: I didn't track temps prior to my BFP, and it was REALLY dark for 10DPO. It's either twins (oh lawd) or, more likely, that I ovulated earlier than I think I did. May have caught the end of the LP surge and no real temp rise as a result. I'm counting myself at 11DPO today, but I may be at 12 or 13, which would explain why it was so dark. Who really knows, though.

It's only two days, tops, so I'm not concerned. :) If Ellen is right, though, then AF might have already been anticipated.

Anyway, so I thought it'd be fun to do these things as Lizzie's been doing, where I show y'all how the pregnancy is progressing and list a few things. Here's mine for 3w!

How your baby's growing:

What's going on in your womb now? A lot. Your baby-in-the-making is just a tiny ball consisting of several hundred cells that are multiplying madly. Once the ball of cells (called a blastocyst) takes up residence in your uterus, the part of it that will develop into the placenta starts producing the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which tells your ovaries to stop releasing eggs and triggers increased production of estrogen and progesterone (which keep your uterus from shedding its lining — and its tiny passenger — and stimulates placental growth). HCG is the hormone that turns a pregnancy test positive; by the end of this week, you may be able to take one and get a positive result! (If your test is negative and you still haven't gotten your period in two or three days, try again then.)

Meanwhile, amniotic fluid is beginning to collect around your ball of cells in the cavity that will become the amniotic sac. This fluid will cushion your baby in the weeks and months ahead. Right now, your little blastocyst is receiving oxygen and nutrients (and discarding waste products) through a primitive circulation system made up of microscopic tunnels that connect your developing baby to the blood vessels in your uterine wall. The placenta won't be developed enough to take over this task until the end of next week.

Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

Cravings: None, really. I wanted some avocado yesterday, but when I got some, I was actually disappointed. Ah well, the mayo made up for it!

What I love: That it actually happened! I'm still in shock and denial.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Missing AF. I think then it'll be more real. And scheduling my first prenatal appointment with the midwives!

Worries: That it won't stick. That's a big worry right now.

Symptoms: Typical PMS stuff, which actually is strange. Probably why I'm still in denial. I have cramps on occasion, but they're a bit different -- deeper, maybe? Oh, and let's not forget that BFP. ;)

Sleep: Same! No changes yet, though I do get up at my usual time needing to pee like CRAZY.

Movement: Um, none. Way too early for that. LOL

The belly: Bloated, but that's par for the course. I hope it starts going down a bit...

Milestones: We got our BFP!! A very obvious milestone to begin all other future milestones. :)

Best moment of the week: Do I even have to say it? Come on now.


  1. I'm grinning from ear to ear. Look at how much darker that line is!

    Make sure to take pictures of your abdomen, too. You won't see anything at first (obviously), but especially since you're so tiny, you'll start showing in a few weeks!

    If it helps, I had some PMS-like cramps at the beginning, too. Really, it's not fair that PMS symptoms are so similar to pregnancy symptoms! lol

  2. Eep! Right?! I was afraid at first because I've had some cramps on and off, but it's nice and dark today!

    Oh, good idea!! I'll start that for 4w. :) I still have some bloating, which is normal for PMS (and like you said, pregnancy and PMS symptoms are so similar), so I hope that goes down. It'll be fun to see how that changes! I just hope I don't show TOO soon, as that might mean breaking the news to awesome attorney-boss sooner rather than later, lol.

    Are YOU showing yet?! I know you're wearing maternity pants and all that. I'd love to see a photo!! <3

  3. I doubt you'll be showing enough for anyone to tell through your clothes for awhile. Just have a couple of long, loose shirts on hand for that point. I didn't have to worry about that too much because I'm bigger, so the bump wasn't really noticeable before I was ready to tell my company, anyhow. I was more worried that they'd figure it out because I was running to the bathroom multiple times a day (even in meetings) to go hurl. lol

    I'm showing yet, but it's not obvious, which is frustrating. It's because I'm bigger (size 16-18 clothes), so it just looks like I've got a pudge, ha ha. Wearing maternity clothes helps make me look more pregnant than fat, which is nice. I've been taking pics - I'll have to upload them soon and compile them all together. This photo is from a couple of weeks ago: https://twitter.com/lizzie9208/status/229372858051203073/photo/1/large (Sorry it's so big!)

  4. That's a great idea, I'll have to pick up some bigger shirts. I'm thinking empire waisted, right? Those would probably work out for a good long while! I'm also worried about the hurling (ha!) because there's only so much of that you can hide. I'm already getting stomach upset, so... well, here's to hoping I won't be hurling too much!

    Anyway, that's great about showing!! You look GORGEOUS in that photo, by the way. What you say makes sense -- it's the obvious reason why I'll be showing sooner than I probably like. I'm glad the clothes are making you feel and look more pregnant, too! You certainly look it in that photo. :D Eee!! I can't wait to see the rest!!

  5. Yep, empire waisted shirts are great. But they're also the "obvious" pregnancy shirts, so if you want to be real sly about it, buy a couple now and wear them now, alternating between those shirts and tight shirts. That way the empire shirts make it into your wardrobe rotation before it's obvious why you need them.

    Thank you! It's fun to actually be showing the pregnancy from the outside, rather than just feeling the effects (like morning sickness and exhaustion) on the inside. And the kicks! They are SO SO cool! OMG, you have so much to look forward to! I'm so glad you've jumped on the Knocked Up Express! ;-)

  6. Oooh, good call. I already have a couple empire-waisted things, so that should help. Getting more shouldn't be a big deal, haha. I'm going to the mall later, actually -- maybe I'll pick up a few while I'm there. Prepping for the future, yanno.

    Aw, I'm sure!! :D Especially since the only things you've been feeling so far are kinda crappy, lol. Being able to feel the kicks is amazing, too!! It's gotta be WEIRD, but still so cool at the same time. I'm glad Dustin can feel them, too!!

    Haha, YES. The Knocked Up Express. I LOVE it! XD

  7. Remember... I had horrible cramps early on. So did my friend Aimee. She thought she was going to miscarry, but her daughter will be one in a few weeks! I think cramping is pretty common. I freaked out because I didn't have any obvious signs of pregnancy. I didn't feel sick until weeks 8 or 9 and my bubbies didn't get bigger until my second trimester. I was so worried that I wasn't feeling sick right off the bat, but I ate my words later on. Thus began my love affair with hashbrowns and black beans and rice. LOL.

    I thought it was SO neat to see the line get darker. Granted, I didn't want to get pregnant... it just happened. But it was still very cool! Kinda like a big ol' science experiment. :)

  8. It IS like a science experiment! I think that's part of why I love it so much, haha. I have a lot of tests to blow through (and honestly, I want to keep reassuring myself that this is REAL), so there'll be more experiments, haha.

    I DO remember your morning sickness. UGH! I'm talking to Dana, and she's freaking me out, too. Not entirely, but it's still like... oh, the worst is yet to come. YAY. ;) Ah well, I'll know it's for good reason, and that's what's keeping me happy! Hash browns and beans 'n' rice sound awesome right now... mmm. LOL


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