22 August 2012

Wednesday Perk-Up! (16-22 August)

Running a little late this morning, but I'm blaming that on having no good coffee to perk me up! I hope your mornings are a little more eventful and a LOT more caffeinated!

I know I missed the past two perk-ups -- sorry about that. So much going on at the office and in life that I slipped behind a bit. But no worries, I've got plenty on the warmer here for you today!

(If you ever want to be featured in TCC’s Wednesday Perk-Ups, by the way, just shoot me a message! I absolutely love including people in this!)


When Witches Go Riding Writing

Tori Zigler: Two new publications!

So I received word from Tori that she has two more books published, one of which is absolutely free! This girl is seriously a talented writer, and I can guarantee that you’re going to love this fairy tale and collection of heartwarming tales of much-loved pets over the years.


Sam Curtin: “Dark Cell” novella on Amazon!

If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to also check out her Facebook pages for news, discussion, and other fantabulous offerings!


Colleen @ Urban Earthworm: Step Away from the Shampoo

I’ll admit, I haven’t used shampoo in years, relying on conditioner to keep my hair clean. Shampoo’s not at all good for a curly girl like me! Colleen takes it to a whole new level by eliminating shampoo and conditioner, and she says her hair “has [never] been cleaner or in better condition”. She describes the harmful chemicals that can be found in shampoo and conditioner, and while she doesn’t seek to convert, she sure does a hell of a job teaching!

The most frustrating thing about all this scary stuff in all these products we use every day? It’s utterly and completely UNNECESSARY. Marketing and mainstream media have lead us to believe that we need to shampoo our hair every day, to wash with bubbly soaps and foamy toothpastes, and slather ourselves with all sorts of concoctions and potions promising results we know we will never get. I mean, let’s be honest; I can soak in a tub of beauty products up to me ears for 6 months, and I’m still not going to look any more like Zooey Deschanel when I get out.


Food for Thought

Australia: Big tobacco loses High Court battle over plain packaging

So. I should preface this by saying that I AM asthmatic, likely a result of my mom smoking while pregnant with me (hey, it was the ‘80s, what did they know!), though the reason hasn’t been proven. Considering I still get asthma attacks when around smoke and other irritants, I’ve been pretty up on smoking laws, bans, and packaging.

Recently, there was some discussion about plain packaging in the US, which was struck down as unconstitutional as the government’s opinion on smoking cannot constitutionally be required to appear on the merchandise of private companies. Plus, it might hurt sales.

... don’t even get me started on “smoking is bad” being an “opinion”. But anyway.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Nothing like a good scare to get people to stop smoking.[/caption]

In Australia, a landmark case bucked the trend by ruling that plain packaging laws are constitutionally valid, and would require cigarette packs to be green and have large, graphic health warnings, with the manufacturers’ brand  names appearing in small generic fonts.

I personally think this is a great achievement. Smoking – from firsthand to thirdhand – has proven to be a deadly habit, one that has been marketed to consumers as a product not necessarily bad for your health. While everyone’s complaining about “nanny state!” and so forth, realize that this isn’t a ban on the sale or consumption of the product, but a dose of the realities of consuming these things.

In a prepared statement, Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, said, “With so many countries lined up to ride on Australia's coattails, what we hope to see is a domino effect for the good of public health.”

I, for one, certainly hope so. :)


Born This Way Foundation

As a repeat from my last Perk-Up!

Led by Lady Gaga and her mother Cynthia Germanotta, the Born This Way Foundation was founded in 2011 to foster a more accepting society, where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated. The Foundation is dedicated to creating a safe community that helps connect young people with the skills and opportunities they need to build a kinder, braver world.

We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe, to be empowered and to make a difference in the world. Together, we will move towards acceptance, bravery and love.


MORE AWESOME: American Apparel: Legalize Gay

In the fall of 2008, Proposition 8 passed in California, striking down the legalization of same-sex marriage. Since that time, several states across the country have voted to legalize same-sex marriage, or recognize those performed in other states.

With many of our employees and customers identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered, we are a company that is vocal about our support for the protection and advancement of gay rights, and we hope that the rest of our fifty states take the necessary steps toward equal rights for all, and legalize same-sex marriage.

Visit legalizegay.com for more information on the initiative.


Local Brew

Every Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm: Open Hearth Foundation Pagan Book Drive
1502 Massachusetts Ave SE, Washington, DC  20003
Got Books? Got Tarot Decks?

We will be collecting donations of books, periodicals, and tarot decks at the OHF Library in the DC Pagan Community Center.

This event is for you because …

We, Pagans, tend to love our books. However…

Maybe you have a few duplicates…

Maybe you have read a few once and just know you probably won’t get to them again, but others will definitely enjoy them…

Maybe there are some you bought and just know you won’t get to reading them and, really, books should be read…

Maybe you just don’t have any more room and you know you have to make a sacrifice for the greater good…

The OHF Pagan Library is constantly building our collection and you can help! Stop by, bring us your books, check out the library!

The Open Hearth Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.

Decaffeinated: Blissful News

This Month in Holidays

Be sure to check out our NASA Goddard-provided list!

(Thank you to HolidayInsights.com for this list!)


  • Admit You’re Happy Month

  • Family Fun Month

  • National Catfish Month

  • National Eye Exam Month

  • National Golf Month

  • Peach Month

  • Romance Awareness Month

  • Water Quality Month

  • National Picnic Month

Weekly Events:

  • Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week

  • Week 2 National Smile Week

  • Week 3 Friendship Week

  • Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week


1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

3 National Watermelon Day

National Mustard Day first Saturday
4 U.S. Coast Guard Day

5 Friendship Day - First Sunday in August
5 International Forgiveness Day – First Sunday in August
5 Sisters Day – First Sunday in August
5 Work Like a Dog Day

6 Wiggle Your Toes Day

7 National Lighthouse Day

8 Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day - now that’s nasty!

9 Book Lover’s Day

10 Lazy Day
10 National S’mores Day

11 Presidential Joke Day
11 Son and Daughter Day

12 Middle Child’s Day

13 Left Hander’s Day

14 National Creamsicle Day

14/15 V-J Day – which date do you mark the end of WWII?

15 Relaxation Day - now this one’s for me!

16 National Tell a Joke Day

17 National Thriftshop Day

18 Bad Poetry Day

19 Aviation Day

20 National Radio Day

21 Senior Citizen’s Day

22 Be an Angel Day
22 National Tooth Fairy Day – and/or February 28

23 Chinese Valentine’s Day/Daughter’s Day – 7th day of 7th Lunar Month
23 Ride the Wind Day

24 Vesuvius Day

25 Kiss and Make Up Day

26 National Dog Day
26 Women’s Equality Day

27 Global Forgiveness Day
27 Just Because Day

28 Race Your Mouse Day -but we are not sure what kind of “mouse”

29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day

30 Frankenstein Day
30 Toasted Marshmallow Day

31 National Trail Mix Day


Yoga Journal: Summertime Ayurvedic Kitchen Cures by Ashley Pitman

One of the things I love about Ayurveda is that it challenges us to get crafty in our kitchens and come up with natural healing remedies.

This hands-on approach really gives us the opportunity to take responsibility for our own well-being by knowing how to respond to our body without immediately heading to the drugstore.  For example, there are simple ways to cure summertime ailments like sunburn, bites & stings, hangovers, bad breath and heartburn with ingredients that you likely already have in your kitchen.

If you’ve ever felt curious about ayurveda and natural cures that come right from you kitchen, this post is for you...


Espresso Shots: News with a Kick!

LOL-worthy: QWOP

Had to share this again, because WOW. (Also, hope y’all enjoyed the closing ceremonies!)

You are Qwop, our small nation’s sole representative at the Olympic Games.

  • Use the QWOP keys to move your legs.

  • Ideally, you will run 100 metres…

  • … but our training program was under-funded.

  • Remember, it’s not about whether you win or lose.

Stitch11: Size 0-3 month Princes Crown

This crown is perfect for a new little girl in your life! Very easy, incredibly manageable. I was able to whip out one in under 30 minutes. :) Find the free pattern at the link above!


  1. Thanks for including me again, and I hope anyone who checks out my books enjoys them. :)

    I think I can forgive you for not making it to do the perk-ups for a couple of weeks... Only because I like you though. ;)

    I think anything that makes a big deal about making sure people are aware of the dangers of smoking is a good thing. My Mam smokes - and has all through my life - and I have mild asthma (it mostly only shows up when I get a chest infection, though it was really bad when I was a child, and the doctors think more than anything the yoga breathing exercises I use when I get out of breath are what makes me not need inhalers most of the time these days).

  2. I really love these perk ups, and am glad to be back reading them! How did I now know about the Born This Way foundation?

    Also, that book drive makes me jealous that you live near such a great pagan resource.

    Thank you so much for including me! Between moving the page and my month in mourning, I've lost pretty much all my followers, so I'm super appreciative to have my name back out there!

  3. You always have such great info! Thanks for sharing.


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