13 August 2012

CD25, Cycle 8 - 10DPO

I know this is going to be a total giveaway, but please don't share anything on Facebook, LJ, The Coexist Cafe, or anywhere else. Without further ado:

The darkest IC is with FMU, the FRER with 4th, and the lighter IC with 6th.

Can you tell I couldn't believe it? :P

I'm still in some sort of denial. Even more, I'm afraid I'm going to lose it. There are so many stories from women I deeply care for, who had a successful pregnancy through the time of their miscarriage. So while I'm still kinda... wow, I'm also cautiously optimistic.

But I'm at 10DPO today. And it was BLARINGLY positive.

I actually did it on a whim today: I stayed home today because I was going to make an optometry appointment, as I lost my glasses to Ocean City. DH dared me to go in to my shoulders (it was COLD), I forgot I had my glasses on, got TACKLED by a huge wave that came over my head, spun a couple times underwater, then came up and was like, THAT WAS AWESOME!! 20 minutes or so later, I realized my glasses weren't on my face. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

Anyway, so I was resolved to get an appointment sometime during the day. On a whim, I took a test and put it on the counter, then turned on the faucet to wash my hair (I had cried in the erm... taken a shower the night before). By the time I turned around, the two lines had already come up.

I kind of... stared at it for a second, unable to believe what I was seeing. Even when I dipped in the test, I saw the dye not collecting as it typically did, to gather all on that damn test line. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now...?!

I didn't want to tell DH, especially because he left on business today. But I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I went to his bedside (he was still sleeping), and I yell-whispered, "BABY. Baby...?!" He stirred and was like whaaaat? Then he saw my face. (I knew he could hear what I was doing in the bathroom.) And he said, "No... no way."

I showed him the test, and we both got SO damn giggly! Just... ridiculously giggly. It DID wear off after a bit, mostly because we're both in major disbelief, but he still thinks about it and goes O_O

Needless to say, I called out of work, citing glasses issues (not entirely untrue), and hung out with DH until he had to go to the airport and I had to go to my eye appointment. He kept saying that he won't be sure until [insertscenariohere] happens, and that went from missing my period to a week afterward to our first midwife appointment to the first ulstrasound. And I was like, "It's gonna be like, I'll have a huge belly or this baby in my arms and you'll be like, 'I don't know, I'm still not convinced you're pregnant'." He got a good laugh out of that. ;)

So... it happened!! I'm still scared, but I have a feeling that and SO many other emotions are going to stick around for a bit. I AM excited, though!!

Here's to hoping it STICKS!!


  1. So, when I get back from Oregon can we hang out? I didn't want to flaunt my baby at you before. ;-)

  2. UM YES PLEASE!! You're so adorable, by the way -- I would have loved some baby flaunting! I'll definitely take it now. ;) I must also say I'm excited to meet YOU! And thank you!! <3


    I seriously started tearing up when I read the email. Holy crap, yo!

  4. Oh, Lizzie, thank you! It was SUCH a surprise!! I hope you're feeling well!!!! :D

    And seriously, holy crap!! LOL

  5. OMG I still can't believe we're bump buddies!!! I don't care how cheesy that sounds, I AM SO FRAKKING HAPPY!!! So you said within 2 days of me, before or after?

  6. Omg whatttttt?!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

  7. But what a wonderful surprise! I'm so, so excited for you! FINALLY! lol

    If it helps, I was really cautious at the beginning, too - like I didn't want to get my hopes up in case it didn't "stick." It wasn't until we had the dating ultrasound at 8 weeks when I really started to breathe easier and accept that this was REALLY happening!

    What's your due date? Early April-ish?

  8. Haha! Omg, I love that phrase!! I have so much bloat that I feel like I already have a bump, too. XD

    2 days after!! I think. :) You're 12DPO today, right? :)

  9. Thank you!! :D And thank you for that insight, too, about being afraid. That does help! I think that's when it's going to stick for us, too -- actually seeing it, you know. I'll be timid for a bit, but it'll get better. :)

    Oh, and late April, actually! 26 April. :) I probably should have mentioned that! LOL

  10. OMG! That's awesome! I hope it sticks!

    Hey, look on the bright side, at least if it doesn't you know you can conceive; that's a start, right? :)

  11. CONGRATS!!!

    I think it's going to stick! I never had any positives before my BFP and here I am nearly 25 weeks later. The worry never truly goes away though, but it does fade with each passing week.

    I'm so happy for you both! Sending you sticky bean vibes, internet hugs and yays! <3<3<3

    Now you can begin your baby names debate in earnest (I'm still team Sophie Ann)

  12. Thanks hon!! And YES, you're absolutely right! That's half the battle. :)

  13. I was that way too - I told myself for weeks that it was totally ok if i miscarried, because at least I got pregnant. And that lots of people do and it would be fine. I don't know when I stopped worrying about it - maybe somewhere in the middle of puking my guts out from morning sickness, hehe. I think then I figured if I was this sick I probably was ok. But I don't think the feeling of worry about losing it goes away until that baby is in your arms, you know?

  14. Told you this yesterday but congrats to you both! Super happy for you!!! Also, come on April baby!!! :) April is a GREAT month :)

  15. I just remember for the first few weeks, I refused to lift anything heavy, or exercise, or do anything that might make it not "stick." Of course, my OB told me I was crazy and it doesn't work like that, but I was thinking crazy things, like "if I jump on a trampoline, that might knock it out!" lol I'm less worried now that I can feel him kick, but now I'm freaking out about laying on the wrong side at night and stopping the bloodflow through the umbilical cord. There's always something to worry about!

  16. This is all hilarious, as it's exactly what's running through my mind. Every little pothole, every awkward movement, I'm worried! It's terrible. But I'm glad it's not out of the gamut of what's "normal" for early on!

    Also, where am I going to find a trampoline?! ;)

    And Melissa, I imagine the type of worry changes from "what if I knock the baby out?!" to "what if I hold the baby wrong?!" LOL

  17. EEEP!! Thanks, hon!! That really puts my mind at ease. :D And I can't believe you're 25 weeks already!! How are you feeling?!

    OMG, and I still love Sophie Ann. Watch us have a boy, though -- we have no strong contenders for boy names! LOL

    I added you to LJ, by the way! <3

  18. Thank you sooo much again!! <3 And YES, April baby would be awesome!! My due date (26 April) is four days shy of my dad's birthday (30 April)... imagine how THAT would be! :D

  19. Yes! I totally understand. I even told Dustin that our "Yay, we're pregnant!" sex had to be very gentle, just in case. (Have you had that yet? BC OMG BEST SEX EVER.) My OB told me I was nuts - "it doesn't work like that" and that "even before implantation, it's wrapped in a very sticky coating" and blah blah blah. I still made Dustin do all the heavy lifting for the first month. (Now, though, I'm being a stubborn ass and refuse to ask for help when I should, so I guess it evened out?)

  20. Haha! Right after I found out about the BFP, I told DH and he LEFT on a business trip that very day! Trust me, I'm looking forward to celebratory sex. ;) But we'll probably end up having suuuuper slowwww like y'all because, well, silly fears! Not to mention that suuuuper slowwww is totally awesome, too.

    I'm also afraid to orgasm. And I orgasm a LOT. Sucks!! LOL

    ANYWAY. So yeah, I'll probably make DH do the heavy lifting at first, then become more comfortable and move furniture LIKE A BOSS. But awesome attorney-boss (he still doesn't know I'm pregnant, and likely won't until at or after 12 weeks) has told me that I should take total advantage of it like his wife has and is. ;)

  21. He had to leave that quickly?! Damn! That sucks. At least he wasn't already out of town when you found out, though!

    After the first month (well, the first month I knew I was pregnant, at least) I started to get more bold about moving things. Now I'm to the point where it's like "fuck it, I can totally lift this 75 pound container of dog food." My coworkers yelled at me the other day when we had a company-wide meeting and there weren't any more chairs, so I just plopped down on the floor. "You're pregnant, have my chair." "I'm not an invalid! I can sit on the floor!" lol My "work husband" has gotten on my case more often than not because I keep fighting him on what I can/can't do. I don't want to pull the pregnancy card for another couple of months!

  22. The time has flown so it seems, but now all the labor and delivery fears are starting to surface. I'm feeling good for the most part. The humidity has been the worst though. I think if we ever do try for a #2, I want to be preggers over the winter.

    I saw, I added you back. :)

  23. Yeah! I almost wanted to wait until he came back, but he keeps sending me picture messages with his face all "O_O", which makes me pretty happy that I told him, lol. I just hope it's not distracting him too much!

    Hahahaha! You sound like as I imagine I'll be. "I'm pregnant, not dying!!" It's an annoying card to pull, I imagine! It'll be interesting to see how awesome attorney-boss handles it. He's already used to waiting on his wife (who's milkin' it!) hand and foot! LOL

  24. Ooh, I can imagine. That's got to be a scary time! And good point about the humidity -- I've had hot flashes after O every month, and they SUCK during this time of year. Glad I'll be pregnant over the winter. XD (BUT... that means I need to get maternity cold-weather stuff! DAMN)

    Yay! :D

  25. My due date was April 21st and I had a May baby. ;) She was two weeks late. First time moms go an average of 41 weeks and a day. If you take Bradley Method classes, you will hear that over and over again. I hope you don't go 2 weeks over, though!

    I almost cried when I read this post. I am SO excited for you. The first 12 weeks are the most nerve-wracking. Honestly, it never gets easier! Until you hold that baby in your arms, you will worry. Then you will have a whole new set of worries after s/he gets here! :)

    Congratulations to you both. I am so thrilled and can't wait to hear more!

  26. Yup, I definitely know that! :) I'm hoping for April, but DH is excited about the possibility of a Mother's Day or his birthday baby (14 and 13 May, respectively). IDK if I want to be pregnant that long. LOL

    Aw, you're soooo sweet!! <3 Thank you, hon! I AM nervous, but I imagined that had to be normal, so I'm trying to take it day by day. GLAD TO KNOW it doesn't get easier, though! XD I figured that was the case!!

    Anyway, thank you again, sweetheart! I hope you're enjoying your little one!! We'll have to get ours together. :D

  27. Ugh, you probably recall the awful hip pain I had when I was pregnant, yes? If not, for months until I gave birth, my hips would ache so badly at night I'd wake up crying every 30 minutes or so. Brad had to sleep on the couch it got so bad. I mean, in tears, bone crushing pain. Eventually I had no choice but to sleep propped up on my back. And I could never sleep on my left side the whole pregnancy, or I'd feel nauseous. Please don't worry about what side you sleep on, it's much better that you feel comfortable.

  28. You know, we had sex a few times while pregnant, but none in the first trimester because I felt really sick. However, I remember one time after I started feeling a little better, and it was weird, (and totally TMI) but I could feel my uterus like, move, after one...thrust...and it wigged me out so badly. We had very little sex though - and tried to later on to get me to go into labor and Brad was totally not into it. LOL.

    I was SUUUUUPER horny my whole pregnancy though! OMG. Never been hornier in my life.

  29. Ughhhh, I do!! I'm scared for that, too, the pains that come with it. It'll be worth it in the end, but I fear that the pain will keep me from wanting other children in the future. Thanks for the advice!! I'm sure I'll intuitively find something that works. :)

  30. Oh WEIRD!!! I didn't need to read that!! (Though I'm glad you said something as, honestly, if it happens... I know not to freak out. LOL) Did you not have sex even though you were horny? Because I don't know if I'd resist. I'm totally not feeling it now, but if I ever do (and DH isn't totally freaked out by it), I'd want to bone him BAD! ;)

  31. Yes, I definitely didn't want to be pregnant that long, but I was! You never know. That's all part of a natural birth. ;) Hold on to your horses, lady!

    I am going to be in DC on December 1st for a wedding. I asked off for a few days around that time (not sure if my boss will approve the time off), but if she does, we need to meet up!

  32. I remember that! In fact, when D's sister has said "Oh, everyone should just relax and enjoy their pregnancy," I think of you and how absolutely miserable you were through all the various stages and I want to slap her on your behalf. lol

    I think I just got freaked out bc I read on a baby board where someone's baby died at 36 weeks and they think it's bc blood supply got cut off while she was asleep, and thus, now I'm worried it'll happen to me. Ugh.

  33. UGH! Why did you read that!! That's horrid. :(

    But yes, not everything about pregnancy is enjoyable, just like not everything about having children is enjoyable. But as with everything: It does come to an end. ;)

  34. Ohhhh, we NEED to meet up, YES!! Maybe you'll even be in on 2 December and we can have lunch in DC? That'd be fabulous!

    Oh man, I'm ready for it, but so apprehensive at the same time! Here goes nothing... ;)

  35. ha ha ha. TMI, but I've been amazed at how horny I am (when I've not been nauseous or whatever!). Dustin doesn't seem to mind too much, though there have been a couple of times where he's turned ME down because he's "too tired" (wuss). Ha! It's definitely been a different as my uterus grows - it's like a hard lump in between us!

  36. I like Old Navy's maternity clothes, and I've had a lot of luck with getting clearance items with additional sales deals. It may seem silly to buy in advance, but I did that and have plenty of clothes to grow in. It may not be that appropriate in the winter, but I love the maternity leggings that I got. That and skirts. I wasn't a big skirt person before pregnancy but now I love them, lol.

  37. Foxxyyyyy! I am so excited for you. I know it may not be the zodiac sign you wanted but who cares. And yes, the first weeks are scary and sometimes touch and go. But still I just want to say giggidy giggidy gig! Congratulations you two.


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