20 August 2012

Pregnancy: 4w3d - Does this baby make me look fat?

Hm. Some body image issues under the cut. Plus Halloween costume ideas!

I had a Moment yesterday where I just felt terrible about my body. I'm not 100% happy with it on a regular basis anyway; while I do pride myself in fitting into small clothes, I don't pride myself in the fact that it's pretty... loose, I guess? I could be tighter around the midsection, like I was when I first started this job and I was doing 8-Minute Abs on a daily basis and yoga every weekend.

That's all pretty much changed now. I don't do 8-Minute Abs on the regular (and now I'm restricted as to my ab exercises, so even if I wanted to continue them -- and I do! -- I'd have to do it only twice a week), and I haven't done yoga since the beginning of the year as the community center, where classes are held, was going to have the roof redone. Figures, it's August and I think they're JUST NOW starting on it. WTF!

So between those two, I haven't been getting a lot, if any, regular exercise and it's starting to really take a toll on my body. Add to that the additional bloat I've been carrying around, and it's just a hot mess.

Fortunately, my boobs look AWESOME. I'm now spilling out of a couple of my bras. One that I received from Stacy still fits, thankfully, but it's a solid C cup, ha!

ANYWAY. All that aside, I'm doing all right! I'm still fighting off exhaustion, struggling to sleep (and stay asleep) at night, having some funky dreams (last night was about a toilet that had storage underneath where you can keep toilet paper... why?!), have some loose stools and other GI issues, and neeeeeed waaaaaaater, but these are so minor that I really can't complain.

On to my next topic: Halloween!! I've been struggling to come up with a costume, and now that I'll be in my second trimester and I assume I'll have a bump going, plus at least awesome attorney-boss and HR will know (the two most important people here who need to know), I have an awesome idea:

I love it, haha! So I can be a skeleton, kind of? I'm also thinking of getting those arm warmers that have skeleton limbs or something like that... not entirely sure yet. But I'd love to at least do the makeup and the shirt. I can wear it around for handing out candy that weekend, too!

We're also thinking about having a Halloween/Samhain potluck party the weekend before Halloween (awesomest holiday ever, Y U NO FALL ON WEEKEND?!), and I want to either wear this ensemble or, alternately, this t-shirt and maybe some zombie makeup (because I'm Pagan and BABIES TASTE DIVINE...):

I'm so glad I'll have a tiny belly, at least, for Halloween. ;)


  1. I have yet to figure out what to do for Halloween, I'll be HUGE by then, lol. Thinking of having an alien painted onto my stomach or something along those lines. I'm going to start googling for ideas. I love Halloween!

    I understand about the body image issues, I still struggle with them this far along. I had a lot of bloating in the beginning and felt just fat and gross overall. I know I'm pregnant, I know it's part of the process, but I had worked really hard on loosing 35 pounds a few years back (and keeping it off) that it was really hard to reconcile the bloat and weight gain. Especially since I didn't have morning sickness past week 6.

    My boobs? Yeah, I had to buy new bras twice before I was out of the first trimester. They've definitely slowed down, but I'm probably going to have to buy new ones again prior to getting nursing bras.

  2. Thanks! :) I'm looking forward to it!

  3. Haha, true! You should dress up as a pumpkin. ;) I love the alien idea! Ooh, can't wait to see what you choose!!

    Yup, it's really terrible. I feel now as you did in the beginning, and I wish it would just go away. Went through the same thing, too: I lost 25lbs since we moved to MD, and while I gained 5 of it back this past year (still in an okay range, just... damn cafeteria food!), I'm still pretty self-conscious about it. Bah!

    Hahaha! Glad it's not just me. ;) I'm going to wait until this bra gets uncomfortable, then I'll look into other bras. Annoying, I love my bras!

  4. I was so bummed when I outgrew my bras, lol. It sounds so silly, but I liked them a lot. I bought some cheap playtex wirefree bras at target that I've fallen in love with. So comfy! Normally I'm underwire only kind of girl, but I figured I'd make an exception while pregnant.

  5. I love the little baby skeleton! I think that the people that make that shirt also have ones around Thanksgiving that say "this is what I'm thankful for" on the stomach which I thought was really adorable. My husband rolled his eyes and forbid me from spending money on it. :-P

    Have you been to Greenberries? It would be a great place to get maternity clothes and potentially bras!


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