07 August 2012

CD19, Cycle 8 - 4DPO

Guess y'all want an update, huh? :P

There isn't much more than that! I'm fortunate that I used the OPK as early as I did, as I would have otherwise completely missed the surge -- I'm so used to ovulating around day 18 now. It's been a while since I've had a short cycle, though, so I'm ready for this 28-day one coming up.

I actually do NOT want to get pregnant this cycle. I know that sounds bizarre (and our sex patterns don't align, but DH isn't as concerned about this as I am), but I'm trying to avoid a Taurus baby. It sounds weird, even stupid, but I have one Taurus in the house. I don't need to be outnumbered. :P

DH jokes that it'll be a little boy Taurus. Born in the year of the Snake.

Of COURSE it will. Sigh.

Anyway, so I'm just kind of bopping along this cycle. I'm not stressing, I'm just... hanging out. Nothing so far, and I'm not all that excited, anyway. Guess I needed kind of a slow cycle, haha.

Ugh, there IS one bit of ridiculousness, though. And ranting. And foul language.

Remember when I posted about DH's cousin finding out she was pregnant? So they got pregnant really fast. Like... one or two cycles, tops. I want to say one, if my math is correct. Anyway, so they haven't struggled with TTC like DH and I have.

DH asked cousin-in-law (CIL) about some med that her step-mom had to go on to conceive her two children. I'm not sure how the conversation started, but that's where I was clued in to the whole thing. Anyway, ends up that her step-mom had to take Clomid to conceive, so my first assumption was, well, that's for ovulating. When the body isn't ovulating on its own or isn't producing good eggs:
Clomiphene is used to induce ovulation (egg production) in women who do not produce ova (eggs) but wish to become pregnant (infertility). Clomiphene is in a class of medications called ovulatory stimulants. It works similarly to estrogen, a female hormone that causes eggs to develop in the ovaries and be released.

It also has some off-label uses, like treating male infertility, menstrual abnormalities, fibrocystic breasts, and persistent breast milk production.

Considering my last 8 charts, it appears I'm having no trouble ovulating, so Clomid would likely not work for me at all. I'm also very (VERY) regular and otherwise have no use for the off-label reasons for prescription.

So DH tells her that. Basically like, yeah, we looked into that, but it's just for no ovulation, and we (read: I) don't have that problem. CIL messages back saying, [step-mom] was ovulating. So DH repeats, it's not something we're looking at considering. But thanks.

And she gets all defensive and shit. EURGH.

She's always been like this, and it's the one thing DH really dislikes about her. She makes shit up to corroborate her own story -- who knows if her step-mom was ovulating before going on Clomid, I'm sure CIL didn't ask nor did step-mom tell -- and gets all pissy when you don't kiss her feet for offering up information or "help". It's ridiculous.

Now... she's pregnant. Oy vey. We BOTH feel bad for her husband (of, you know, officially just three months and "officially" just over a month). DH is forever thankful that, while I have mood swings, I don't have MOOD SWINGS zOMG.

So that's that. And now I'm even more pissed that she got pregnant so easily because it's like, bitch, you have NO IDEA what it's like to struggle with this. Don't get all damn defensive because we couldn't get any use out of information that you offered (and, with the step-mom thing, maybe even made up). Christ almighty, this is HARD and we're TRYING to be NICE considering you immediately got what we have wanted for almost a YEAR.

Also, fuck off.


  1. Lots and lots of :HUGE HUGS: to you! It's so hard when people who have no idea are insensitive. You are so strong and that is obvious--considering you haven't found them and smacked them yet :P

  2. Ugh :( I'm sorry to hear you're having some fam drama as well. It can be so difficult. I'm about to update as well and it's not pleasant either :( *Huge hugs to you*

  3. I'm so sorry about the drama. *hugs* Sometimes people don't get that just because it worked for one person doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone.

    I just wanted to touch on the astrology aspect. Being born under one sign doesn't necessarily dictate a persons personality 100%, there is also the rising sign that factors in (and a bunch of other. Take me for example, I'm born smack dab in the middle of Leo (8/11), for all intents and purposes I should have mostly Leo characteristics. However, my rising sign is Virgo, so a lot of my Leo-ness is tempered by that. I feel like I exhibit a lot of the positive traits of both signs, but both signs tend to negate their negative aspects. I'm not going to say that I don't have the Leo hotheadesness, which I do, but it's often tempered by Virgo practicality and logic. So don't worry too much if you end up having a Taurus baby <3

  4. Actually, sometimes you can be ovulating and they'll give it to you in case you aren't producing enough eggs. The idea behind it being that encouraging you to produce extra eggs increases the chances of conception or something.

    Also, not everyone is what you would call a typical whatever their sign is, and besides, a Taurus baby would be better than none, right? Although, relaxing and not worrying about trying will be good for you... Stressing over it can sometimes be counter-productive. I know it's easier said than done, and also that this is totally a case of the pot calling the kettle black, since I know from experience that the longer it goes on the more you want it and stress over whether you'll get it. But if you can try and not let it get you stressed I'm told it could work in your favour. Hey, if you manage to not let yourself stress over it though, can you let me know how, because I have yet to figure it out, LOL! ;)

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