02 September 2012

Pregnancy: 6w2d - I need your opinions.

I have nausea like whoah, and the only thing helping at this point are these Sea Bands DH got me. Seriously, they're brilliant, I want to wear them all the time.

Thing is, "all the time" also means at work, and I'm not out at work yet. The thought of trying to get through a workweek, much less a day, without these Bands is nothing short of terrifying. They'd be out in the open for everyone to see, which means people would start to learn and... ugh.

I'm also worried because my annual review is coming up in a couple weeks, and I don't want this to influence it at all. It shouldn't, and knowing awesome attorney-boss, it won't... but I'm still worried.

DH says I should just tell awesome attorney-boss this week. Better for him to know early than try to get through a workday miserable, right?

What do you think? I was planning to tell closer to 10-11 weeks, but I can't go without these Bands quite yet... :|


  1. When thumb racks bands, I wore long-sleeves shirts. But they also didn't work for me, so I didn't wear them for very long.

    Could you wear chunky bracelets that would cover them up?

    You might want to check with a chiropractor to see if they have acupuncture "tacks" you can wear instead. Same concept, but they're smaller and harder to see (Like thumbtacks).

  2. Ugh, that first part should say "when I wore sea bands..." stupid phone

  3. I would tell attorney-boss... You seem to get along really well and seem to be somewhat close to him for a boss relationship. Or wear a long shirt if the ac is on high enough. Can you get by just stimulating the pressure points with your fingers?

  4. Whip up a couple of these https://www.google.com.au/search?um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=xRtEUM-jKOqZiQeS1ICICA&ved=0CEYQvwUoAQ&q=crochet+wristband&spell=1&biw=1024&bih=486 & if anyone asks, tell them you're starting a new trend for Autumn? (Though in my experience, people don't usually ask *why* you're wearing something like that, they usually only comment to say how cool/interesting it is & ask where you got the idea/pattern, haha)

  5. You have three options:

    1. Tell the boss.
    2. Wear a long-sleeved shirt.
    3. Go without the band.

    Personally I'd go with option 2 if I was in your shoes, though option 1 is a good one too!

  6. If you don't crochet, these are easy! http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/2010/10/easy-diy-no-sew-leg-warmers-hand-warmers/

  7. I would wear the bands with other bracelets. If your boss notices the bands and makes a specific comment about you being pregnant, tell him/her. If he/she doesn't, you'll be able to breathe easy "in the closet" for a few more weeks and hopefully past your performance review.

  8. I agree with Julia! Unless your boss is familiar with the bands and knows they're specifically for pregnancy, it's likely you won't get a comment unless they like the fashion statement you're making.

  9. Wow! Seabands didn't help me at all! Glad they're helping you :)

  10. Hahaha! I looked over it a few times and was like... okay, I don't get it. Moving on!

    I'm thinking chunky bracelets could work, but they'd have to go up a good part of my wrist, as the Sea Bands sit so low on them. I might have to look into those tacks, though! I'm guessing they don't go into your skin? I'm very skittish about needles and so forth, but might look into them if they help. I'll have to ask!

  11. I told my boss as soon as I found out as I knew I would have to leave work for appointments and I felt it would be better to be honest from the get go.

  12. I am thisclose to doing that. Plus, he's the general counsel, so if anything DOES go awry as a result of the news, it's like... dude, you're in Legal. Really?! So I might just end up telling him today. We'll see.

    Otherwise, I've noticed that stimulating the pressure points helps, but not the same as all-day stimulation does that the Bands provide. And now the Bands are starting to lose efficacy, probably because the m/s is just getting worse, lol. Bah!

  13. See, I love this!! Would totally do it! :D I might have to do this anyway to hide them from other people, lol. I love the idea of starting a new trend, too, especially if I can affix some, like, pumpkins or whatever to it. ;)

  14. I'm debating between 1 and 2, leaning strongly towards 2 as it's not nearly cool enough here for long sleeves yet. ;) But I like that for keeping it away from other coworkers!

  15. Hey, you know, that's not a bad idea. Just letting it ride and see what he says. I do want to just come out with it, but that's something awesome to consider, too. I imagine he's going to know what they're for as he's very familiar with acupuncture and acupressure (his wife is Chinese, ha!), but I'd love to see how long I could get away with it. ;)

  16. They're... helping! Kind of! Instead of "OH MY GOD KILL ME" it's more like, "Oh wow, yeah, I could use a good stabbing just to distract myself." LOL

    I have Dramamine just in case. NGL.

  17. How did he react? I'm thinking awesome attorney-boss' reaction will be positive and receptive, but you never know. Did he take it well?

  18. My boss is a she, but my whole office has been supportive from the beginning.

  19. I'm hoping to wait a bit to bring out the heavy artillery. ;) I figure, the Sea Bands are keeping it mostly at bay for now, but I'm not opposed to Zofran if needed!

  20. Oh, wonderful! :D I hope to get the same reaction!

  21. Could you put a shiny scarf over the bands as a bracelet coverup?

  22. Ooh! Plus, shiny. :D Actually, SB sent me some funky scarves not too long ago... I might have to see if that works!


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