11 September 2012

Pregnancy: 7w4d - Ultrasound! And fears.

I've included the ultrasound from my 6w6d appointment! :) (7w according to them, but I pride myself in being THAT CLOSE, haha.)

I'm still spotting, which is freaking me out a bit, but we have an appointment on Friday where (hopefully) we'll get some answers as to the ultrasound and my bloodwork. The receptionist mentioned that the latter came back okay, but they haven't received notes from the u/s back yet.

Everyone looks okay, as far as I can tell, though! I still want to say that the bleeding was SCH and that the residual spotting is thanks to that, but I'm not a doctor, so I honestly don't know. All I know is that little Kit is still in there, has a great heartbeat, and is making Momma sick like whoah. That's gotta be a good sign, right? LOL

Anyway, so I'll post about my appointment later this week, and will include my 8-week(!!) stats.

The weeks are chugging right along!


  1. Some people bleed right through their pregnancies; it's how come some people don't know they're pregnant until delivery day; they just assume the bleeding is their period. Anyway, as long as Kit's heartbeat is good and everything with Kit's development is fine, then it's no big deal. If bleeding keeps up you want to watch your iron level though.

    Yeah, the weeks are just flying by!


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