21 September 2012

Pregnancy: 9w

It just hit me and DH yesterday that I'm 9 weeks. While I'm still a little anxious because I have no idea what's going on in there, the m/s and tiredness and aversion to all things coffee keep me convinced that all is well. ;)

Y'all remember C, who did my Shamanic healing about, oh, 9 weeks ago? He was at last night's Pagan meetup, where a friend and I hosted a group Mabon ritual. (That, by the way, was an absolute blast, and I think everyone enjoyed it!) He brought his baby boy, now 6 weeks old, and I spent a good part of last night with him in my arms. He was so tiny and precious! I did end up telling C last night that I was pregnant, how far along I was, and that I had him to thank for it. He counted back 9 weeks and laughed!

Anyway, as I was holding the baby, I had this baby sway going on, and he didn't cry once as I held him, fed him, and patted a couple good burps out of him. He totally spit up on me, and I loved it. :D C kept saying that he was so, so happy for me, and that I was going to be an awesome mom.

... it's enough to make me tear up now!

So yeah, that was definitely a beautiful night. How Spirit has blessed us. :)

I'm starting to show now, too. Not like, baby, but definitely "HEY WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR STOMACH? YOU NEED TO DO CRUNCHES." It's making me really self-conscious. Yikes!

Now for the survey!

Cravings: SUSHI. Give me some motherfucking sushi. I can still eat it, as my only real options are veggie-based. ;)

What I love: That everything seems to be going well! [Same]

What I hate: Morning sickness! [Same] Fortunately, it's starting to wane. Eating is still pretty difficult -- I have to take it slowly and really breathe through some of the nausea -- but it's at least leveled out.

What I miss: DH. He's coming home from a business trip today(!!), but he'll be gone again next week. Le sigh.

What I’m looking forward to the most: This morning sickness being over and done with. :P [Same!]

Worries: That it won’t stick. That’s a big worry right now. [Same]

Symptoms: Morning sickness/nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, frequent urination, sore breasts. [Same, but better] The m/s and breast tenderness are actually fading a bit, which freaks me out AND makes me feel better. WTF? But now I pee at 2am!

Mood: Good! No mood swings, nothing really out of the ordinary. I actually feel more mellowed out. [Same]

Sleep: It’s okay. Could be worse! [Same] Vivid dreams and night pees are now pretty regular occurrences.

Movement: Um, none. Way too early for that. LOL [Same]

The belly (and the button!): Belly button still in! [Same]

Wedding rings on or off: Off! But not because of what you'd think. It's cooler out, so my engagement ring spin. I end up taking it off during the day, lol.

Waist (measured at the belly button: No way to measure. I really should start doing this, lol. [Same... apparently, I never learn... even still!!]

Milestones: 9 weeks!

Best moment of the week: I got the sweetest text from DH over the week. I still melt when I read it. :) It really does my heart good that he's so excited for everything. Also, I held a baby for at least an hour last night!

How your baby's growing:

Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.

How your life's changing:

You still may not look pregnant even if your waist is thickening a bit. You probably feel pregnant, though. Not only are morning sickness and other physical symptoms out in full force for most women, but you may feel like an emotional pinball as well.

Mood swings are common now — it's perfectly normal to feel alternately elated and terrified about becoming a parent. Try to cut yourself some slack. Most women find that moodiness flares up at around six to ten weeks, eases up in the second trimester, and then reappears as pregnancy winds to a close.
When to break the news at work "I waited until after the first trimester to tell my boss. By then I wasn't as worried about something happening to the baby and had time to think about a maternity leave plan." — Kristin

Decision Guide: When to tell at work?

Some women spill the baby beans at work right away. Others wait as long as they can for fear that their pregnancy will affect how their boss or co-workers view them. Many women wait until they're in their second trimester, when their pregnancy is well established and the risk of miscarriage has declined significantly. What's the best time for you to announce? Here are some factors to consider:

Are you having any complications? If you are, and you have frequent visits to your caregiver or are very preoccupied, you might feel relieved if you told your colleagues early in your pregnancy.

How sick are you? If you're suffering from near-constant nausea or frequent vomiting, you may have to tell your supervisor about your pregnancy earlier than you'd prefer. Before you tell her, figure out what you want: Compassion? Time off? A flexible schedule until you get through the worst of it? Ask for what you need and then assure her that most women feel better by the end of the third month.

Is your job strenuous or potentially dangerous? For your baby's sake and your own, you'll probably want to come clean early on. Making your announcement right away will allow you to talk about changing your job responsibilities in a timely manner.

Will your supervisor and colleagues be supportive? This will depend on your workplace culture, the extent to which your workplace has been affected by other women's pregnancies, and your relationship with your supervisor. If you're confident that your employer will handle the news in a professional manner, announcing your pregnancy early means you can take advantage of any employer-provided services that can help make your pregnancy healthier and less stressful.

Unfortunately, some employers may be less than enlightened about pregnant employees. If you're concerned about your employer's reaction, proceed cautiously, and consider waiting to tell your boss until you're starting to show. You might also want to quietly take aside a colleague who's been pregnant at work and ask her how she was treated.

Finally, be aware of your legal rights. A federal law called the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) prevents covered employers from firing, demoting, or compensating women differently just because they're pregnant. In addition, many states have similar laws that prohibit discrimination against pregnant women.

What do most women do? Here's when thousands of BabyCenter members announced their pregnancies at work:
  • 23 percent spilled the beans right away.

  • 23 percent waited a few weeks until they absorbed the news themselves.

  • 36 percent waited until after their first trimester.

  • 14 percent waited until they started to show.
The good news: The vast majority had a positive experience — 83 percent said their boss was supportive when they revealed their baby news.


  1. I normally eat meat but DH has taken to calling me a "pregetarian" because most meat tastes awful to me right now. But on the upside it means that I can still enjoy some sushi! Simple as they are I adore avocado rolls and bizarrely my morning sickness seems to be ok with them!

    Glad your morning sickness is starting to fade! Mine is still godawful (which as an emetophobe is torture!) and the doc wants me to stay on meds until 13-14 weeks because I'm having such a rough time staying hydrated even with them. I wouldn't be worried about it fading though. 9 weeks is a pretty normal time for that to start happening. And my boobs are getting less sore as well!

    Has your spotting stopped?

  2. HAHAHAHA! Pregetarian, I rather love it. :D I might have to use that phrase after I go public on my other blog, if that's okay, as a way to help women who formerly ate meat keep their protein intake up! Oh my god, and YES, avocado rolls are my freakin' bread and butter right now.

    Noooo! See, I've been fortunate that I have not yet thrown up (SO thankful for that, as a fellow emetophobe!). I hope yours curbs soon, that sounds miserable!! Are you still bedridden? How's the bleeding? Are you doing all right?

    Thanks for the reassurances with your own boobies. :)

    And yes, the spotting stopped, thankfully. It was that big gush at 7 weeks, then brown/red spotting, then persistent brown. It all lasted just over a week. Now I have nothing as far as spotting is concerned, but holy hell, do I have a lot of CM. CRAZY.

    :HUGE HUGS:, by the way. :)

  3. I'm sure he would love that term getting some use ;)

    I've only had an avocado roll once recently but it's going to be featuring in my diet more often I think. I was able to eat the entire thing for dinner, which is a HUGE achievement for me right now. I wouldn't mind any recommendations you have of veggie stuff with good amounts of protein and whatnot that are very quick to make or ready to heat and eat (I'm not allowed to stand and cook and even if I could the process of doing it makes me sick right now, so ready to go stuff is important).

    Honestly, I'm getting nowhere near well-rounded nutrition right now but I'm trying to just not worry about it and eat as much as I can. I haven't thrown up yet (although I spend entirely too much time right on the edge) but it's because I knew what was coming and started medicating early. I'm trying to avoid losing too much weight, since I don't have a lot of extra to start with. I'm jealous that you are starting to have a little baby belly! I want to be showing but I think it's a ways off if I can't start eating more.

    I'm glad your spotting stopped! Mine is still going on. More than three weeks of it now and I'm not expecting it to let up any time soon. The good news though is that the hematoma has stabilized and my doc is starting to sound pretty optimistic about the pregnancy. It's still quite large (bigger than the gestational sac) but it hasn't really grown at all in the last two weeks and doesn't seem to have any active bleeding anymore.

    My bed rest has been relaxed a little bit, so I'm allowed to go out and do stuff (seated!) for a couple of hours a day as long as I don't start bleeding again. Honestly I don't think I could do much more than that anyways until the morning sickness starts to ramp down. It makes me glad to hear you are starting to get some relief! Gives me hope!

  4. As a meat eater, I have been lamenting the inability to eat sushi. I freaking LOVE sushi. But I have indulged once or twice, but only at highly reputable sushi restaurants and never more than one or two pieces. I haven't really followed the rest of the food no-no's either, I eat cold cuts on occasion and I eat soft cheese (I would kill if I couldn't eat feta). And I drink fully caffeinated coffee. Usually no more than 1-2 cups, but whatever, my baby is doing perfectly fine.

    At 9 weeks, I felt like I had what looked like the beginning of a beer gut that lasted until about 18 weeks when it became more of a baby bump shape. You will probably show before me though, because you're definitely slimmer than I was pre-pregnancy. But don't rush the bump, I miss being able to bend over.

  5. Oh yes! If I still ate meat (and when I did, I ate sushi... NOM NOM NOM), I'd be dying over not being able to. A big part of me is thankful that I'm used to (and that I love) avocado and veggie sushi and can subsist only on that. ;) And yeah, I still do the full-force coffee when it doesn't taste burnt, and I've had feta once or twice already. Yummm.

    I just want a goddamn pumpkin beer.

    That's what mine feels like! It's all gassy and bubbly and not at all comfortable. I definitely don't want to rush have a BAM belly, but I feel that'd be better than this middle ground, where it looks like a cross between "oh, she's pregnant!" and "damn, someone needs to lay off the donuts." ;)

  6. Haha, awesome! :D

    You definitely should! Great source of healthy fats. That's my excuse, anyway! And yeah, unlike other foods where I have to eat verrrryyyyy slowwwwlllyyyyy -- it took me three hours to finish a SB pumpkin scone this morning -- I can devour sushi like that. You should try the veggie ones, too, if those aren't too off-putting. :)

    I've not been getting near as much, nutrition-wise, either. My doula suggested smoothies, particularly green smoothies if you can stomach them, though all-fruit is totally fine, too. Just to get some good nutrition in you. I haven't tried yet, but I did have a smoothie from SB this morning and was able to drink it fine. It'd be a good way for us to start, as I REALLY need to start eating better, too. Last night's "dinner" of celery sticks, a donut, and some cheese on crackers isn't really going to cut it, yanno?

    So yes, definitely the smoothies. :) Through a straw, if you can. I'm going to try that, too! I'm so glad you medicated early, too -- who knows what it'd be like if you weren't. Phew!

    I hope you start showing soon, too! But it'd be even nicer if you got some good food in you. ;)

    I'm so glad your bed rest has relaxed. Not so much about the spotting, but so long as your doctor is confident, I'd be more confident! That's excellent news. :) I hope it starts shrinking soon, especially considering its size. Good on your doctor for monitoring you.

    And yes, soon the sick will be over! I'm still waiting...! LOL

  7. OK, I've just discovered another (veggie) food that my stomach is ok with: Stuffed grape leaves!

    I also have had hearts of palm salad (literally just hearts of palm and balsamic salad dressing) almost every day for lunch this week. For some bizarre reason it calms my stomach and does not give me heartburn. Ice cream though...instant heartburn. My body confuses me.

  8. Oh hey, that's a great one!! I personally can't take 'em even not pregnant, so to imagine them right now is like... o_O NO LOL

    That IS weird, but hey, whatever works! I've noticed so many backwards things lately.

    Oh! and I missed that one part about veggie ways to get protein! If you can stomach them:

    - Pad Thai with tofu
    - tofu mixed in smoothies (only use soft)
    - tofu as a dipping sauce for veggies or like a tzatziki -- I have a recipe for this if you're interested

    - hummus!!
    - straight out the can, baked and seasoned

    - beans and rice -- can be popped in the microwave; use kidney beans, black beans, whatever (bonus points for brown rice)
    - black bean salsa -- right out the can, mix with pico de gallo and sour cream or guacamole

    - ... yup.

    I'm sure I have more, but those are right off the top of my head. :) What other foods can you handle? I may have some more suggestions!

  9. Another emetephobe here! Luckily i never threw up while pregnant, but I was nauseous an awful lot!

  10. Did I tell you before that I couldn't eat avocado while pregnant! It was my only serious hardcore food aversion (I wasn't too interested in food, especially protein, but I could eat it. Not avocado) huge bummer because I had all of these plans to eat multiple avocados a day to gain weight! Boooo!

  11. No WAY!! I think that'd kill me right now!! I mean, I can't do guacamole (which makes me sad, but the texture... guh...), but avocado in, like, sushi? Yes, please! I'm having a hard time with the protein, too, though... and pretty much anything else healthy. Just doesn't sound appealing now. :| Boo!

    Oh,. and SO many emetophobes!! Glad to hear you never threw up! As much as I want to sometimes, just... no.

  12. I finally for real "popped" about a week and a half, two weeks ago, and it's a mixed bag. I'm delighted that I look pregnant instead of just fat, but at the same time, it's made things more uncomfortable - sleeping is hard, and now I get winded shaving my legs in the shower, ha ha. I wouldn't trade it, though - having a legit baby bump is a lot better than the alternative!

  13. Yes, exactly! I haven't reached that point of discomfort yet (obviously!), but I know it's coming, lol. You're right, though -- definitely better than the alternative! :D

    Though now I really want to get back into yoga. LOL

    Hey! I read that Baby is breech... how's it going trying to turn him? I'm sure he will! :)


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