14 September 2012

Pregnancy: 8w(2d?)

I had my first real midwife appointment today. It went really well! They drew more blood (YAY, NOT), did a head-to-toe physical, took a full history, asked and answered a bunch of questions, and generally took their time with me. I love this place. :)

They're actually going by the radiology report and my LMP for my EDD, so she kept saying 25 April (which is a day off my estimate) and 8w2d (which would make it 24 April, or two days off my estimate). For ease, I'm going to keep doing these weekly updates on Friday, assuming I'm anywhere between __w and __w2d. Confusing!!

Anyway, update!! Either 8w, 8w1d, or 8w2d. Whatever. ;)

Cravings: Potatoes in any form, though I've taken a renewed liking to salt and vinegar chips recently. I also crave sugar, though I'm trying (not very hard) to stay away.

What I love: That everything seems to be going well!

What I hate: Morning sickness! [Same] And bleeding! Because WTF!! I’m still spotting (brown), but I’m not gushing anymore, so that’s good?! [Also same]

What I miss: Nothing this week. If I did, it was all forgotten. [Same]

What I’m looking forward to the most: This morning sickness being over and done with. :P

Worries: That it won’t stick. That’s a big worry right now. [Same] Especially considering the bleeding. Ugh. [Also same]

Symptoms: Morning sickness/nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, frequent urination, sore breasts. It’s been pretty miserable ever since, and I feel it only getting worse. It’s terrible in the morning and at night. [Same] Some cramping that feels like the same uterine expansion as the past week. [Also same]

Mood: Good! No mood swings, nothing really out of the ordinary. I actually feel more mellowed out.

Sleep: It’s okay. Could be worse! [Same] LOTS of vivid dreams cropping up now. OH YEAH! And I had my first bout of needing to pee at night! Just once, early this week at 2am, but I was NOT THRILLED by that development. LOL

Movement: Um, none. Way too early for that. LOL [Same]

The belly (and the button!): Belly button still in! [Same]

Wedding rings on or off: On! [Same]

Waist (measured at the belly button: No way to measure. I really should start doing this, lol. [Same... apparently, I never learn... even still!!]

Milestones: 8 weeks!

Best moment of the week: It all revolves around DH, as I'm generally feeling crappy. He keeps calling me babies (eee!) and sometimes gets more excited about this kid thing than I am. Also, our midwives love (if are a bit perturbed by ;)) him!

How your baby's growing:

New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.

How your life's changing:

You may notice that your bra is getting more snug. Soon you'll likely need a larger size with better support. Rising levels of hormones cause breast growth and other tissue changes, all in preparation for lactation. Your breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you go up a cup size or two, especially if it's your first baby. Keep this in mind, and allow for room to grow when investing in a new bra.

Feeling fatigued? Hormonal changes — in particular, a dramatic rise in progesterone — may be contributing to your sluggishness. Nausea and vomiting can certainly cost you energy, too. And you may be having trouble getting a good night's sleep at this point, especially if you're uncomfortable or find you need to get up to pee.
Walking to beat fatigue "Taking a short 15- to 20-minute walk helped me cope with the overwhelming fatigue that hit me in the first trimester. It was the only way I made it through a day at work without a nap!" —Gabriela


  1. Eeeeee!

    Due dates are guess dates anyway, this baby will come when it's good and ready. <3

  2. Exactly! :) My only worry is that they can't, by MD state law, let you go past 42 weeks at a birth center, but it's really only off by a day or two. So whatevs. Plus, they know how to coax the baby out!

  3. According to my charting and knowing my ovulation date, my due date should be12/2, but the OB here is going by 11/29. It's just been easier to go by that date, since it's the 'official' date set forth by my doctor. But I wouldn't be surprised in the least if I went on my due date (although I'm kind of expecting to go over).

  4. Yay, baby!!! Who did you see today? (I'm so nosy, lol! I miss going to the birth center, so I'll just have to live vicarisouly through you until it is time for #2!)

  5. Aha! That makes sense. So I guess I need to go with 24 April, 8w2d. No biggie! That's good to know, and honestly, I don't think two days will make a huge difference. Like Dana said, Baby comes when Baby comes. ;)

  6. Nicolette! I looove her. :) I have a feeling I'm going to miss the birth center a LOT, too, when we finally have to leave them! Makes me eager for #2, though, because they're just so wonderful. I love the time they take and the attention they pay! :)

  7. Yup, Pretty much :) I'm hoping to go a little over though because then I get to take maternity leave for the worst of the winter months, but baby will come when she's ready- early, on time or late, I don't have much control over that. :D

  8. Haha, true on all counts! It'd be nice to spend the snowy days in with the baby. :) I'm personally looking forward to being pregnant all winter and walking Kit in spring!

    Plus, if we're feeling warm? Just walk outside. LOL

  9. I think for simplicity sake it's easier to stick with your dates on this blog, but it doesn't matter either way. I mean, as already mentioned, Kit comes when he or she is good and ready. Besides, if I'm not mistaken first babies are often late, so chances are it will be my hubby's birthday (May 2nd) before your little Kit arrives anyway! (I'm saying then because that's about a week after your due date - give or take, depending on which you're going by - and I'm lead to believe that's about right for a first baby in most cases, so I'm guessing Kit will probably arrive about then). Hey, you may also get a Beltane baby, come to think of it! Of course, you could be the exception to the rule and find Kit's here early rather than late, in which case you could escape the Taurus baby after all and have Kit by mid April!

  10. Definitely the case. :) My only concern is that they can't hold you past 42 weeks (they have to send you to the hospital for an induction at that point), but I don't think I'll go that far. I hope I don't, anyway! I LOVE the idea of a Beltane baby, I won't lie!! To have Kit conceived so close to Lughnasadh then have a Beltane baby... it'd be pretty amazing. ;)

  11. Yeah, that would be amazing... And it's meant to be lucky to have your baby on the sabbats too! As for the 42 weeks thing... Just do everything they suggest to try and get Kit to arrive when the date comes, and hope for the best!


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