05 September 2012

Pregnancy: 6w5d - The Big Reveal!

Okay, so I'm sure y'all have been waiting with bated breath to know how everything went. Then, yanno, I had to work. A lot. Sooooo... sorry about the tease!

We sent off the video to our parents around 7am on Labor Day morning:
I've been experimenting with iMovie and our camera's stop-motion setting, and came up with a home video! Lemme know what you think. :)


Steph (and Matt ;))

Originally, we were thinking it wouldn't take very long for the phone calls to come in. (DH's parents especially, as they're typically up sooner than my parents.) 8am went by, 8:30 went by, and DH got impatient and calls his mom. Since her birthday recently passed, they talked about that, their recent trip to SFIL's hometown, and a few other things before DH said, "Oh yeah, Steph made a video, you should go watch it." At some point, SFIL also mentioned something about getting the link, but they didn't watch it then and there. So they hung up.

And, uh, didn't watch the video.

DH texted MIL about 30 minutes later, said to watch the video, then called about 15 minutes after that and she said, "Okay, fiiiine, we'll watch the video!" :P

In the meantime, my mom called and spazzed!! She had seen the video and showed it to my dad, who was all, "Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh!!" This is the guy who cried when he dropped me off at college, when DH and I got married, the whole nine. ;) He also said to hold baby Kit in a few days longer -- his birthday's on 30 April, and he'd love Kit as a birthday present! LOL

So my parents took it really well! And I told my brother, too, said something about "You're going to be an uncle!" and he was like, mmm, okay. XD He's excited, but he's like my uncle in that he doesn't show emotion all that much. ;)

While I was on the phone with my parents, DH's mom called and could barely get two words out between her crying! She and SFIL were SO thrilled! They talked to DH for a bit while I continued my conversation with my parents, then we switched off and I got to hear their excitement firsthand, then it all came back full circle.

The best part was telling my sister. I don't have the video right now -- will have to post later -- but we Skyped after talking to my parents. The first half of the conversation was nonchalant, talking about work and stuff, then I was like, "Oh hey, wanna see this video I made?" She said sure, so I sent it over and she watched it. Since we were on Skype and I had my iPhone with me, I was able to record her reaction. ;) She cried!! It was so sweet!! It's really nice to have that on video, too!

So basically, everyone is TOTALLY thrilled. We told DH's cousin and her husband that day, too, and since she's 8 weeks ahead of me, we all had fun talking about pregnancy and babies and future plans and all that. She and DH are 6 months apart, and our babies will be 2 months apart, which is just... awesome. :D

FINALLY. I told awesome attorney-boss yesterday. I had to! My m/s is getting worse by the day (though I feel all right today), and I wanted to explain why I was going away from my desk so often (oh porcelain throne, how I adore your hugs...).

We were at our 1:1 meeting, and I was reviewing a few things from the previous week. At the very end, I was about to get up, then I said, "Oh yeah, one more thing... I'm pregnant."

His face went from O_O to :D SO FAST! And he said, "Whoah, are you really?! That's awesome! Congratulations!!" With more huge smiles! We ended up having fun talking about pregnancy and all that -- remember, his wife is due with their second child in mid-October. :) It was wonderful! I ended up sending him the video that we sent our parents as he wanted to know how we told them, and he replied with a REALLY sweet email and an additional congrats. :)

It was totally great. Went so much better than I expected it to go, and I knew it'd at least go over well!

So... yup, that's how we told! Now to wait until the 8 week midwife visit next Friday, which I'm SO STOKED about!!


  1. Ha! I can't believe it took his parents so long to actually watch it! How silly. I love their reaction, though! Ahhh! It's so much fun to tell people, isn't it? I love it!

    I'm glad your boss reacted so well! How awesome. :-) Hooray for having an ally at work!

  2. I'm glad you had positive reactions all around!! Having the positive support has been such a huge part of my pregnancy and I'm happy you'll have the same :D

  3. Haha, right?! We were like, just WATCH the FREAKIN' MOVIE. XD I'm glad they did, though, their reaction was priceless! And I LOVE telling people! Kind of makes it nice that we're spreading it out a bit -- it's like a celebration every couple weeks. ;)

    And yes, definitely!! I'm so fortunate to have him. :D

  4. Yay, thank you!! That support system has been fabulous. :D

  5. OH MY GOSH! I just watched your video!!!!!! It is amazing! Such a great idea!!!!! Hugs and I hope all is going okay with your last u/s! Katy


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