03 July 2012

CD16, Cycle 7... and that's all I know.

I forgot my thermometer at home when we went to Canada, which ended up being a mixed blessing. I didn't have to wake up too early, I wasn't thinking about whether I've ovulated or not, and we were able to just enjoy each other's company. It was great!

Of course, the drawback is that I now have no idea whatsoever when (or if) I have ovulated or will ovulate. Hrmph. Poorly planned on my part.

But I'm cool with that. It's almost nice to have a month off from stressing about that on top of so many other things, like being on the fundraising/advertising committee for my orchestra, the event planning committee at work (which is new, as of about 15 minutes ago!), work in general, life in general, coming back from Canada, my mom visiting in a couple weeks(!!!), a holiday tomorrow...

Come to think of it, it's a REALLY good thing I'm not temping this month. With everything else going on, I don't need anything additional!

By the way, I'm abstaining from alcohol until I get my period (or, if this is it, then my second trimester at the earliest). I've had my fun the past few days, no more than two beers in any given day, but now it's time to buckle down. Now if only I could have the same constraint with the coffee... :snuggles with Starbucks:

Sorry for the lack of posts here, by the way. As you can see, there hasn't been much to report on the TTC front. ;)


  1. Glad you are enjoying not temping! How was the trip to Canada?

  2. Cer, darlin'! :D How are you feeling these days?

    Canada was AMAZING!! I'll have a whole series on my main blog that I'll have to repost here or something. Incredible times, those were! :)

  3. There have been better days. I had a miscarriage and had to have a D&C a couple weeks ago. But I've recovered from it really well and yesterday was my follow up visit and DH and I have the green light to TTC again next cycle. Also, I found out last week that I got a fellowship for the spring (so I won't need to teach and get paid more than my usual stipend). So I'm looking on the bright side of things.

    I think we are nearly cycle buddies again. I'm on either CD19 or CD12 depending how you look at it, though I suspect this cycle is gonna be a long one for me. DH is going to be out of town for 3 weeks starting Thursday, so at least it's falling during the one month we aren't allowed to try.

    Glad you had a great time in Canada! Sounds like you've had a lot going on. Would love to see the posts about it!

  4. Oh, Cer, sweetheart... I'm so sorry. :( I'm glad to hear you're recovering well -- you're definitely in my thoughts! I just know it'll happen and will STICK for you very soon! <3 And congratulations on the fellowship, that's wonderful news in light of all this!!

    It sounds like it! How do you mean by, "depending how you look at it"? It may not be as long as you think, at least I hope not. I'd love to hear more good news from your corner.

    I absolutely have! It's been kind of exhausting -- so much to write about, so little time (and, in the end, energy)! I'll definitely share the links once I have all those. :)

  5. Well, it's CD19 based on when the bleeding for the miscarriage first started, but CD12 based on when the D&C was. My HCG levels are also still not quite back to 0 yet (though they are close!). I'm not getting my usual pre-O signs yet, which typically start about a week ahead of time. But then this is kind of an anything-can-happen cycle, so who knows! I actually wouldn't mind a longish cycle this time. I had a month solid of spotting or bleeding because of the miscarriage so I'm enjoying my time without AF right now!

    Conceiving any time in August-November would give us a summer baby which would work great with my schedule, so I'm excited about that possibility. Next year I'm done with classes as well, so ultimately the timing is probably better this way than it would have been with a January baby, even if it takes us a while to conceive again.

    Look forward to the links so I can read about your trip!

  6. Aha, okay, that makes sense. I hope those levels get back down to 0 soon! I'd love to know that y'all are trying again. Just waiting for that perfect baby. <3 And yes, time without AF is totally nice!!

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! I have a feeling it'll happen soon. A summer baby would be amazing for so many reasons -- I'm thinking pool parties, water parks, and so forth as birthday parties. ;)

  7. Probably did you good to have a break from teperature taking to just have fun.

  8. I think so. :) It's been nice without all that worry!


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