24 July 2012


I think I'm on CD5. No idea. Not really counting as, psh, nothing exciting is going on there, anyway.

BUT. Something else exciting DID happen over the weekend. My mom visited for a week, and before she left Sunday, we went to one of my friend's homes on Saturday and she received a Shamanic healing. She initially went there for a backache, but it ended up covering a lot more. I won't get into all the details, but I WILL get into one that actually concerns me, my family, and a centuries-long curse that has apparently been passed down every generation.

My friend (I'll call him C) did a lot on my mom to help her energy flow better, and while he was working, he would go in and out of these trances. During these, he would communicate with ancestors, spirits, totem animals, saints, and other figures who decided to join in and help, and would come out of these trances once in a while with some information for my mom. The healing lasted about 2.5 hours.

One of these bits surrounded a part he worked on for a while, her pelvic area. He had already put a bunch of stones down around her for various reasons, as he sensed a blocked area before even getting to work. No matter how many stones he put around, he didn't feel like they were making a difference.

At one point during his trance, he pulled out a drum and started trying to "beat out" the blockage. Apparently, he had seen what looked like thick, rusted iron screws in her hips -- a symbol that her energy's all stopped up there. So he had to remove it.

Either before or after doing so, I don't remember which, he said he had a vision brought from one of the spirits, one about a ship in an ocean and lots of despair surrounding it. He wasn't clear whether it was her in a past life or a distant ancestor, but apparently, in order to save resources on a trip to wherever they were going with a bunch of slaves on board, this guy was throwing the slaves' children and babies overboard. There was screaming, chaos, and anger, and these slaves were apparently well-versed in a religion that was not afraid to curse people, so they put a curse on him: That he and his descendants would have a difficult time conceiving.

To put things in perspective: My grandmother was one of four (one died as a child), my mom is one of three, I'm one of three, and we're all talking women who used no birth control and wanted heaps of children, but had a hard time conceiving. I also know that my mom and her siblings are all eight years apart (between my mom and her siblings, she has a brother 8 years older and had a sister 16 years older) with miscarriages between them, and my mom took four years to have me, immediately had my sister, and tried seven more years for my brother. And now, despite no obvious reasons, DH and I are having trouble. I also have a feeling my sister will have the same.

So yeah, we have a hard time as a family. :P

As my mom is done having children, he broke up that curse on her, but noted it won't be able to pass down to me or my siblings. After her healing, we scheduled one for me, haha. I'm actually going to that today. If I get it done, then I'll have broken that curse at least for my own descendants.

I don't know if y'all believe in stuff like that or not, and truth be told, I'm not sure, either. But I can tell you this: Whatever little bit helps, even if it's something like that, I'm absolutely willing to try. It can't hurt, after all.

So that's what's been going on around here. I go there tonight to have the shamanic healing done (and you KNOW I'm going to tell y'all about that!), then will spend the rest of the evening planning C's and his partner's baby shower. ;) Breaking a curse then helping with baby stuff? Yes, please!


  1. Good luck; I hope the session solves the problem!

    I know it's not something like that for me, since everyone else in the family has had no issues... Many of them even had accidental pregnancies!

  2. Interesting! I'm not sure (I'm really honestly not sure!) if I believe in that sort of thing or not... but as with all sorts of "alternative" thinking/medicine/whatever if it works, it works! I don't CARE if it works because it reeeaaaaallllyyy works or if it works because of the placebo affect. Whatever!

    I hope that you get unblocked or whatever and that it helps (for real or for placebos!)

  3. Thanks, Tori! :) And you never know, but your family lineage does sound better than mine in that regard. ;)

  4. TBH, I'm not sure, either. But I'm willing to do anything, and it's one of those things that I'm like, I'm open-minded about it and would love to learn more, so yes, go for it!

    Thanks, hon. :D


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