19 October 2012

We're making a Kit! (A picture and video post!)

I have something to share. :)

Lookit what Matt and I have been working on! Kind of explains my recent absence, huh? ;)

We have been trying since just before the beginning of this year to expand our family, and we finally got our positive on 13 August!

We hadn't told anyone but family (and awesome attorney-boss because, shoot, if I was ever sick at work...!), and we told them around 6.5 weeks with a video, as they're long-distance. They loved it!!

But I hesitated telling y'all and everyone else for a while, not only because we wanted to wait until we were out of the first trimester, but we also had a scare at 7w.

I started bleeding, so I panicked and called up our birth center, who had us come in for an emergency blood draw and ultrasound. We went, I got blood drawn for hCG levels, then off to the hospital it was for the ultrasound.

When the heartbeat came back as 139bpm and a very healthy baby bopping around in there, we cried. Totally broke down. Our little Kit was okay. :)

Scariest moment of my life, though! And to think, all those feelings attached to something that barely measured over a centimeter.

Y'all have no idea how much I wanted to tell you. :) Now I'm so happy that I can share!

The purpose of this blog, partially as a result of this, is going to shift from food, faith, and family to strictly faith and family. Part of this decision is based on my apparent need to update my Recipes tab, and most is based on this little life growing right now.

I'm looking forward to sharing our journey to becoming a coexisting family (and a new addition to boot!) with you. :)


  1. Baaaaahhhh! How eciting!! (PS I loved the video!)

    Congratulations to the both of you.....and the guy who helped, lol! :p

  2. Aww, congrats!

    PS I loved that you thanked Batman.

  3. I am so glad you didnt post the whole video of my reaction! I did the same thing again seeing the ultra sounds

  4. That is so very exciting. I love pregnancy. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to read your pregnancy posts. If you go the "natural" route - whatever that means to you, and you want to do a guest post on UE, let me know!

    Have I already inundated you with book recommendations?
    Thinking Woman's Guide to a Natural Birth
    Gentle Birth Choices
    Ina May's Guide to Birth (or something like that; I can't remember exactly).
    Belly Laughs was only ok.
    There are more, but those 3 were my favorites...

  5. Was showing mom this post and asked her if she had read this already. She said yeah I read that DooHickey post LOL

  6. [...] the first since we got our positive test, and considering how far along we already are and that we saw Kit recently (as beautiful and perfect as I knew Kit would be!), it was more real than [...]

  7. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeOctober 24, 2012 at 4:31 AM

    Haha, thank you!! Everyone seems to love that video, and I'm so glad! It was a blast to make. :)

    BAHAHA, he was a very good helper, indeed!!

  8. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeOctober 24, 2012 at 4:31 AM

    Thanks! :D And damn straight... Batman is what keeps us together. LOL

  9. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeOctober 24, 2012 at 4:35 AM

    I was tempted to, I won't lie, but I figured I'd save you the social humiliation. ;) Just kidding! I LOVED your reaction! Just wait until you know if you're having a niece or nephew... :) (Which we don't even know yet!)

  10. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeOctober 24, 2012 at 4:37 AM

    Thanks, hon! I'm glad you love pregnancy! Now that I'm out of the yucky part, I'm starting to love it, too. :)

    I AM planning on going natural, and I'd be honored to do a guest post for UE! I think it'd be a fun story to tell!

    Those books are great, thank you! I've been Googling some, and I'll add these to my list if they're not on there already. (Pretty sure Ina May Gaskins' book is already on there, but it's like the natural birth tome, lol.) And I found Belly Laughs only okay, too. ;)

  11. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 8, 2012 at 7:26 AM

    Thank you!! :D

  12. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 8, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    Okay, I literally LOLed. ;)


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