05 October 2012

Pregnancy: 11w1d - Belly Shot

This is pretty much just for Lizzie. ;) It's funny -- all the weight is shifting around and I definitely have a pooch, but it's not from weight gain. (May be from all the M&Ms and other shit I've been eating, though...)

It's getting harder to hide, so I keep wearing overshirts and whatever else to cover it. I'm glad I get to tell people in, like, two weeks. ;)


  1. hee! So cute! Are you rocking maternity pants, or is that a belly band?

  2. They're maternity pants, haha. I want to get a belly band eventually so I can keep fitting in my regular jeans!

  3. I hated the belly band! It would ALWAYS ride up. ALWAYS. Ugh.

    I was going to say, your belly is more noticeable to you! I can see a little bump because I am looking for it, but most people won't notice it. You always think you are bigger than you actually are! I look back at pictures of me when I was 14/15 weeks pregnant and die with envy because I WAS SO SMALL. But I thought I was this ginormous pregosaurus.

    Looking good, mama!

  4. Maternity pants are so comfortable. I have several pairs that I kinda want to wear forever and ever, they are so comfy. ha ha.

    Like Sara, I had issues with the belly band riding up. Hell, I used it this weekend (with low-rise maternity pants) and while it stayed in place in the front, it rode up my back. So annoying. But a good compromise if you still want to wear non-maternity pants!

  5. Thanks!! I've been looking for honest reviews about belly bands as they seem so much more... IDK, cumbersome than maternity jeans. (Which I'm loving, too, and want to wear FOREVER!)

  6. Gah! Thanks for letting me know! I might have to nix that idea after all, lol.

    That's totally true! I ran it by a friend of mine, and she was like, "If you didn't point it out to me, I'd have never known." So yay! Hopefully this keeps up for another week and a half, until I'm ready to tell the rest of my coworkers... LOL

  7. I never bothered with a belly band - I found boob tubes (snug/stretchy strapless tops) folded in half worked really well! Plus they're MUCH cheaper & come in heaps of different colours!


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