30 October 2012

Pregnancy: 14w5d - Funny

I'll share some about the hurricane on TCC, but for here, I wanted to share something funny that happened at work today.

So a lot of people, when they discover someone is pregnant, try to take some of the load off that person, including with heavy boxes and whatever. Matt is not one to do that at all -- I mean, at almost 15w, I was moving couches and bookshelves still crammed full of books in the basement last night to prepare for the possibility of flooding! No problems, but it still made me giggle to think that, hey, this pregnant person is moving couches?!

Today at work, awesome attorney-boss was giving me instructions relative to three bankers boxes that arrived for him while he was out on paternity leave, and I had to bring them to my desk. He tentatively lifted a box, eyed my belly real quick (seriously, like a quarter of a second's glance), and said that maybe he should do it.

LOL, if only he knew about last night!

So I picked one up and was like, oh god, please. This is nothing. And he said that, of course, some women thought it was sexist! I said I didn't think it was, but as he pointed out, I'm not pregnant enough to be incapable.

And at this rate, I doubt I ever will be. ;)

(Oh, and a couple friends at the front desk said I look especially pregnant today. I beg to differ, thank you very much!! LOL)


  1. Even at nearly 36 weeks, my hubby still leaves things up to me to do. I practically have to beg him to help me out with lifting stuff and doing things that require me to bend over. It's been super frustrating trying to get the house unpacked because he seems to think it's my job.

    Half the people I work with wont let me do anything at all, lol. I get lectured about all the things I do that I shouldn't be doing. Oops.

  2. Ugh, now THAT just pisses me off. You're obviously in no state to be doing that! I have a feeling (and hope...) that when I hit the "I can't even reach my shoelaces, much less lift this box" phase, Matt will be around to help. He'd better be, at least, or it's gonna stay there for him. :P

    Thank heavens for your coworkers, though. Sounds like they need to talk to your husband. ;)

  3. I have to remind DH that I'm under doctor's orders not to lift anything over 10lbs. Otherwise he'll let things go pretty much forever that I can't do because of the lifting restriction. I finally got him to refill the grit container for the chickens today (the bag of grit weighs 50lbs, WAY over my limit).

    I'm not getting lectured by anyone else yet though. Probably because I'm not showing yet!

  4. I can understand why my husband thinks the way he does - I've always been fiercely independent and he hasn't had to help me out much in the past. I'm not trying to defend him though, I get super pissed off when I have to ask him repeatedly to help me or to do things that I can't but needs to be done. There have been many arguments (especially lately) and while I try really hard to be diplomatic with him, sometimes I just snap. I really think he's like this because even though he's been around the whole pregnancy, it really hasn't affected him yet. So until she's born, he'll always revert back to his normal behaviors. He's not a horrible husband, we just differ on how we do things. I like to get them done right away, he tends to putter around - which usually leads to getting sidetracked and then things don't get done. Usually I just do them myself because he never gets it done as quickly as I'd like, lol.

    I'm sure Matt will be much better about it. :)


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