22 October 2012

Pregnancy: 13w3d - Sonograms!

So I totally shared these all over FB and TCC, and I totally forgot to share them here. Where I post all my preggo stuff. XD

(BTW, due to the sensitivity of some of these posts -- namely about my MIL, lol -- I will NOT be posting any of them to TCC proper. So expect continued updates here and very few crossposts over at TCC.)

Can I just say that this was my favorite ever? Kit was wiggling around once she* finally woke up (never really getting into a 100% perfect spot for the poor tech, whose hand hurt as she was digging so hard! Haha!), and I saw hiccuping! I was like, that's totally my kid. ;)

Matt also saw Kit open and close her mouth a few times, which totally got him riled: "Does that mean she's getting fluid in her mouth?! GROSS!" LOLOL, that was amusing.

That appointment went really well! The tech was incredibly thorough, which I appreciated, and we got to see Kit for a good long time. :) Next up: Anatomy scan! We're looking to get that done in south Florida so our parents can come!

*I don't know if Kit is a girl, but I need to use SOME kind of pronoun until we find out. "It" is just too weird!

**Yup, proper first names now, too, since we're official and all. ;)


  1. Great pictures! I'm so glad you got some good ones to show off. :-) Ahh, I'm so glad you're out now, too!

  2. OH, the pictures are great!! I was so happy with what they were able to give me. :) And I'm glad to be out, too -- like a huge weight off my shoulders! :D

  3. yay, I'm glad it's 'official'. Those are some great still images! Looking forward to some more in a few weeks! :D

  4. Aw, thanks!! The tech did an amazing job with the images, I was really impressed! She really wanted to be sure she was getting great images and got exactly what she needed for the NT aspect of the exam. Eee! Can't wait to share sonograms later!!

  5. Our next u/s is at 13w4d and I used your images to show my hubby about what we have to look forward to seeing. You can see SO much at 13w! It's amazing!! Congratulations on "going public"--are people stoked for you? We're gonna do the same after our next u/s, too. Glad you're going to keep posting here. :)

  6. The tech who did my anatomy scan didn't get many good images and printed out some of the crappier ones that she liked vs what I liked, but the upside to working at the hospital that I'm being followed is that I have access to the images (especially since i work in Radiology) and I got to download them all.

    It's all so exciting! It felt more real to me when I first saw her bouncing around in my uterus at the NT scan. I started feeling her kick around 17 weeks, but once I got the anatomy scan and saw her in action and could related those movements with what I was feeling (a lot of what I though was gas bubbles turned out to be her) it was so amazing. I'm not one of those 'pregnancy is so amazing' kind of people, but it's a pretty awe inspiring moment. <3 I can't wait for you to get there <3

  7. Aw, that sucks! But you're right that there's an advantage to working at the hospital. ;) Were there some better ones on there? The one on your blog is SPECTACULAR, haha!

    That's a good point about the gas bubbles. I had a couple distinct ones (single "bubbles") yesterday that I want to say were Kit, but who knows, you know? It's probably too early for that. Once they become more true, though, and relatable to kicking (omg, especially at the anatomy scan), I think I'm going to lose it. It IS amazing! I'm totally that kind of person, so every step of this journey has been "THIS IS MAGICAL!!!", but there are some things that just top others. I can't wait for that one!! <3

  8. Dude, you REALLY can!! It's incredible! Just wait and see, you're going to flip! I'm so excited and would LOVE to see your u/s pictures!!

    Haha, people are super stoked! I posted our u/s picture (the first one), and it got well over 100 likes and comments... I was like, y'all are the bestest. :D I can't wait until you announce! Lemme know how that goes, too!!


  9. lol, to be honest at the 12 week scan, there were only a few profile views that came out good and at the anatomy scan there were even fewer. The one on my LJ is great because it was a friend trying to get a good picture for me. I love the up the nose angle, lol.

    It is magical and amazing, I'm just feeling a bit helpless in my own body at the moment thanks to the carpal tunnel.


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