16 June 2012

CD29, Cycle 6 - 11DPO

Temp went up a tiny bit this morning (98.08), so I busted out a pee stick. I think there might have been something on the test. Still marked as negative, but... IDK. Tomorrow will be a more definitive test, I imagine.


ETA: Thoughts? (Click to make bigger...)

Don't mind the scratch. Damn fingernails. XD

ETA2: Inverted colors because, shit, why not. Now I don't feel like I see anything. Hmm...


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

  2. Whaaaat???

    Now I'm gonna have trouble sleeping & it's already past my bedtime!!! Please test at, like, 4am so I don't have to wait *two* sleeps to find out! (Because this is all about me, you know ;) )

  3. Where are we looking exactly? Slightly to the left of the scratch? Might just be my imagination (or tiredness), buuuut....

  4. Yes, to the left of the scratch (mah bad! Damn fingernails!!). I think I see something, too...!

    Also, get some sleep!! These'll be here in your mornin'! ;)

  5. While I cannot see anything I hope my eyes are wrong and you get a nice clear positive for father's day!!! (that would be so cool!)

  6. Haha, the tear means we have a reference point! I can't be sure, but it looks like *far* more of a something than was on my first test, which was so blank I couldn't even imagine anything there (& that ended up positive), so we won't have any answers until you do another!

    I will very soon, I've done everything I need/want to do tonight & my pre-bed tea is brewing/unfurling (vanilla pearl tea), so I'm just waiting on that & then I shall sleep! :)

  7. Lol! That's a good point, actually. ;) And awesome! I hope it turns into something more tomorrow... but you're right, it needs to be clearer.

    Anyway, good, get some rest! That tea sounds HEAVENLY, by the way, I admit to being a bit jealous! ;)

  8. Haha, wouldn't it?! And I want to say my eyes are playing tricks on me... guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow for something more definitive. ;)

  9. I hope you get a definitive positive tomorrow! What an awesome Father's Day gift that'd be!

  10. It's pretty damn good tea - most green teas are far too bitter for me, but this one is nice & mild (unless you brew a second cup with the same pearls, then it gets much stronger) with a little hint of vanilla. I bought it at the Salamanca Markets in Tasmania from a small, local tea company & I never checked if they sell online, so I may need some friends to mail me some when I run out of tea-pearls!

    Aw for the inverted colours, maybe it's my screen, but my imagination looks even brighter in that pic...

  11. They do sell online! http://www.artoftea.com.au They don't seem to have the Vanilla Pearls anymore (they do have Jasmine Pearls though) :(

  12. Idk, I think I see something!

  13. Don't keep us in suspense! Did you test?! :)

  14. Well? Did you re-do the test? What did it say?


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