10 January 2014

Confession: I love granny panties.

We were doing laundry one night recently and I started balling up all my underwear to throw into my designated underwear drawer. As I wadded up each pair, I started to notice a trend: While I had lots of pretty undies that I used to wear pre-pregnancy (how do y’all think I got pregnant in the first place?), I seem to have developed a love for granny panties.

Okay, so they’re not that bad. Some of them even have Victoria’s Secret emblazoned across the elastic! But they’re definitely not their cheek-huggers or buttfloss pretties that you kind of want to show off under your blue jeans (whaletail, anyone?). Nope, instead, they’re bikini undies or, seldom found but always treasured when they are, boy shorts.

Others are more along the “granny panty” lines – these, you have to pick up in packs (packs! Like men’s underwear!) at your local Target, all nicely lined up on a wall filled with Fruit of the Loom and Hanes. And they bear names like briefs! Briefs, for chrissake. The only thing that was brief about my underwear collection pre-pregnancy was how long it took for them to ride into my asscrack, and now I’m actively looking for ones that bear the name and refuse to bare my behind.

What happened to me?! All my nice underwear has been regaled to the back of my drawer, seen only when all my comfy undies are dirty and I begrudgingly realize I need to do laundry. I can’t deny, though, that these huge swaths of cloth that I now wear are so ridiculously comfortable that I cringe whenever I get even a glimpse at a thong.

And my bra collection? Let’s not even go there. I’m pretty sure I rotate between two or three, and not a single one even comes close to being considered a “push-up”. More like, “glorified sports bra with hooks for easy boobie access”. For the babe, not my husband. Unfortunately for him.

Let’s face it, though. Motherhood is pretty uncomfortable, considering its early wake-ups, constant stream of pee and poo and spit-up, and having this 15-pound weight hanging off you constantly. While it’s something we moms would never give up in this world, there’s something we can, and that’s uncomfortable underwear.

So adios to wedgies, hello to comfy cotton! This mama’s gone granny panty, and she ain’t turning back now.


  1. I noticed this about myself as well. Viva la granny panty!

    1. Amen! Life's too short for uncomfy undies.

  2. Granny panties are my mainstay. Have been for close to ten years, when I realized the impracticality of buttfloss (and how uncomfortable it is to have something in your asscrack all the time). I'm with the rest of you, ladies! Long live the granny panty!

    1. I think I've only owned four or five pairs of buttfloss in all my life, and while they're purportedly sexy and all that, I find myself wanting to pick them so often that they become *un*sexy. I mean, how hot is it when you're picking stuff out of your ass, right. So much for that!

  3. Hi! My name is Courtney...and I'm wearing my Victoria's Secret GPs as I type this, and I dare others to flame me: I'm wedgie and camel toe-free, comfy, and all my bits are covered. I consider these sexy lingerie compared to what I used to wear...back in my pre-married days, I actually wore boys fruit of the looms after I saw SJP rock a pair in Sex and the City. (Dear God, I cannot believe I am writing this on a stranger's blog.) Me = no filter. Anyhoo, I found you by way of Bloggy Moms and just wanted to say hi. I blog over at The Brown Girl with Long Hair. http://www.thebrowngirlwithlonghair.com/
    Have a good night. Oh, and I'm a follower of yours now!

    1. Haha! Hey, as you'll quickly learn, there's no TMI here. You're free to share anything you like. ;)

      Hey, some of those boys stuff is pretty comfy! Sure, there's extra room in a couple places, but that just means more wiggle room for... anyway. You know where I'm going with that.

      Hiya and nice to meet you! I'll be cruising your blog, too. Thanks for coming by!


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