02 April 2013

Pregnancy: 36w5d - Random stuff.

First, if you're interested in participating in a Mother Blessing (I'm mainly asking for writings of any kind about labor and childbirth, and for a bead to string onto a labor necklace if you can), check out my Facebook event! :)

Second, I had an appointment yesterday that ended up going pretty well! I did my GBS test (which I was allowed to perform myself -- MUCH appreciated on that one), we checked Kit out, and I was sent away with a bill of good health. No internal exam was suggested, and because of that, I didn't bother asking for one. Not gonna go through something if I don't have to.

My appointments are now weekly, so I have them scheduled for Monday evenings from now until... well, 29 March, but I'm hoping to not make it to that one or to the one scheduled on the 22nd!

Of note:
  • BP: 104/71 (Yes, for real! My blood pressure is usually low anyway, but this is the lowest it's been.)

  • Kit's HB: 150s

  • Fundal height: Spot on at 36/37cm.

  • Position: LOA, with his head WAY down in my pelvis. The nurse practitioner practically had to dig to find it, and even she and the midwife were amazed that it was that low. So... awesome!

  • Cramps: Normal, if annoying. May be indicative of a softening cervix, but of course, no internal exam to verify. Midwife doesn't think I'll make it even close to 42 weeks. :)

  • GBS test: Will have the results next week!
Also? My flat nipples aren't an issue! Apparently, since they can become erect, I'm better off than a lot of other women with flat nipples. Kit will end up drawing them out, making it easier for eventual #2. ;) So yay!

Third, I posted my most recent belly pic (the one with the yellow shirt) to FB, and Matt shared it with MIL and NIL on their walls. Nothing from NIL, which is totally cool, but MIL left the following comment on my photo on her wall:
Yes he is getting lower as he should-steph looks great! decided you should be able to do Facetime with [SFIL] and I so we can be there even though we will not be physically there.
Ummmmmmm... no. Over my dead body. Glad you decided that, but you'll be Facetiming with empty space!

Best part is, my mom apparently read that comment (she knows my MIL and keeps her distance because she's absolutely insane sometimes... LOLOL),  and she sent me a FB message with the comment copied/pasted, with the note: Really!?!?

HAHAHA. I love my mom. ;)


  1. Wait, your MIL wants you to Facetime while you're giving birth? WTF is she smoking? Is this her first grandchild or is she just this crazy normally?

  2. Right?! I love how she decided on it, too. Kinda want to be like, "Oh, good for you! Too bad, though." But yes, she DOES want us to Facetime during labor, which... no.

    As for first grandchild or generally crazy... both. Definitely both. LOL

  3. lol, oh man, I'm so glad my MIL is technologically deficient.

  4. The thing is, my MIL is, too... but Matt insists on her getting up to date on a few things like Facetime, even if it literally makes him want to tear his hair out in the process. (While running through it with her -- long-distance, I might add, but that doesn't really make a difference -- he kept going "WHY AM I BOTHERING". Good question!!) So... thanks, Matt. :P

  5. Yeah my in laws love the Facetime. Us? not so much. But we do humor them once in awhile so they get to talk to their grandson face to face. They live in California.


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