19 November 2012

Pregnancy: 17w4d - Kick, kick, kick!

So I've been feeling movement for the past couple weeks, which has been absolutely amazing. They come and go, and sometimes a day or two goes by when I don't feel anything, but I figure that's kind of normal (that's what I'm telling myself, at least!). They seem to be regular around 2pm and 6 or 7pm, and often times at night. I've also noticed that Kit doesn't like it when someone -- or, in the case of clothing, something -- pushes on my belly and makes Kit's home smaller. ;)

Matt and I were laying in bed on Friday night, and I was on my side. He reached around and put his hand on my tummy, jokingly trying to see if he could feel anything. We both fell quiet for a bit, and since Matt was pressing my stomach, you can imagine Kit didn't like that, and... well, there was a kick! Probably the strongest one I've had yet, and one that really made me wonder if Matt felt it, too.

After the kick, a second or two went by, and without me saying anything, Matt asked, "Did you feel a kick just a second ago?"

I was completely boggled. No way could he feel that, right?! But apparently, he really did! He said he was quiet for that second or two because he wanted to see if that would happen again (it didn't) or if it was gas (I didn't fart, so nope, lol). Just the fact that he asked after such a powerful kick just... it blows my mind!

So Matt got to feel his baby kick for the first time. :) It was the last time Kit kicked quite that hard -- all the other times have been the popcorn feeling I usually get -- and I'm so glad he got to experience it.

Just wait until Kit gets a little bigger. ;)


  1. That's so cool! Feeling the kicks is one of the best parts, I think. I'm so glad Matt was able to feel it, too! Ahh!

  2. It totally blew my mind when he asked! I wondered if he felt it, but I was skeptical because it's so early. Guess anything can happen! :)


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