12 November 2012

Pregnancy: 16w4d - Let's talk about sex, baby.

Or distinct lack thereof. :P

I loved sex before getting pregnant. I mean, I didn't have a high drive in the first place, but when we had it (and when TTC, we had a LOT of it), I absolutely loved it. I'd get off multiple times, would be all into it, and save for some problems with pain, which were very predictable and easy to work around, it was all-around fantastic.

Cue getting pregnant.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that we didn't have a lot of sex the first trimester, what with all the morning sickness and fun associated with that. When I finally started to feel better, though, I still didn't want it... and now, at almost 17w, my drive is in the freakin' toilet with no hope of coming back up.

My body has changed much more than I thought it would, and most of those changes aren't even on the outside! Sex is completely different in very non-desirable ways, from the way I feel to the way it feels. I actually hate sex as it is now, and I hate orgasms, too.

I really wish this would go away so I could enjoy sex again, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen until after birth. And who knows if it will ever be the same?!


  1. :-( Not cool! I hope your drive comes back at some point. It's hard to maintain a high sex drive during pregnancy (or hell, ANY sex drive) sometimes, but it's important to stay connected SOMEHOW, so if you're not getting that connection with M in the bed, make sure you're intimate in other (non-sexual) ways!

  2. It willlllll! (I hope/think!) I wasn't especially into sex while pregnant. And the first several months after birth I was afraid that sex was going to be horrible forever. I seriously thought that. Like, for serious. But it wasn't. :D

  3. <3 hang in there. For some women, pregnancy is like an aphrodisiac, for others it's not. Sex is pretty much non-existent for me, especially now that I'm so close to my due date. For the most part, my husband is pretty understanding. I do initiate on occasion, but I feel so unsexy that it's hard. Plus normal sex positions have become very uncomfortable.

    It's not forever, don't despair!


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