09 November 2012

Baby Kit: 16 weeks!

Let's get off the topic of politics for a moment and focus on something happy! :)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The belly at 16 weeks. :)"][/caption]

I hit 16 weeks yesterday, a milestone for sure. Between now and 20 weeks, Kit will do some real growing, and I'll do some major sleeping or eating -- or both! -- as a result. And smack in the middle of that, we find out Kit's sex!

The great thing is, we're going to find out with our families around us. As we haven't seen my parents (aside from Skype) since June at the earliest, and we've only seen Matt's mom a handful of times, we thought it'd be nice to get an elective ultrasound at Oh Baby Ultrasound Studio while down in Florida for Thanksgiving so we could all see Kit (in all his/her glory, haha). Shortly after that, we'll be going to the Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine here in Maryland to get our anatomy scan, so we'll be able to see Kit twice in one week!

I'm excited for this afternoon, too: I'll be picking up a fetal doppler from someone in the area who's selling theirs. (Shh... don't tell Matt yet, lol.) I'm SO thrilled for the chance to hear Kit whenever we want to! The most terrifying thing about this whole thing is not knowing what's going on in there, and while there's no window to the uterus (which would admittedly be weird, anyway), modern technology sure is great, with its dopplers and ultrasounds and 3D/4D sonograms. It really is.

[caption id="attachment_1486" align="aligncenter" width="315" caption="Kit at about 12.5 weeks. Can't wait to see at 18!"][/caption]

Things are otherwise going well! I've been feeling some movement lately, which has been nothing short of amazing. Turns out, Kit really loves chocolate, which works splendidly as I do, too! ;) The feelings are a combination of flicking your palm with your fingers, a rolling wave, or butterfly wings, depending on the type of movement, I guess. I feel a little seasick when the waves start (currently, that's the worst of my nausea!). Totally weird. And yesterday I felt a kick or punch in each the top of my uterus and, ah... in the lady bits! Can't wait until THOSE get stronger.

I also have pregnancy rhinitis, which... ahem, blows. ;) My nose is runny during the day and stuffy at night, and I constantly sneeze like I have hay fever or something. I sometimes get headaches and sinus pressure, too. It's really not all that fun, though I'm happy to know I'm not alone: An estimated 20-30% of women end up with the condition, which is only cured by childbirth!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Looking an awful lot like a baby. :)"][/caption]

Even considering that, I feel fantastic. What everyone says about the second trimester is true: More energy, starting to show (rather than feeling bloated or fat), feeling movement, and really feeling like all this is real!


  1. My baby is having a baby!!!!
    Love you so much.

  2. I remember that. :) Also, you have a cute little belly going on there. By 16 weeks, I felt ginormous! I'm so jealous! Enjoy every little glimpse you can get. Growing a human being is an amazing experience. :) I'm also jealous of your not feeling sick/sleepy/etc. anymore, now that you're in your second trimester. I was still sick as a dog at that point. I'm so happy that you're feeling so awesome!

  3. Oh man, I am SO happy for you and Matt!!! Congrats x 1000!

  4. I CANT WAIT TO SEE KIT!!! I hope I can react differently than before. LOL. I cant wait to meet him/her!! Beyond excited.
    To me you are an angel in disguise.
    Full of intuition, intelligent, and wise.
    Always giving and helping through
    Good times and bad.
    You are the best friend I've ever had.
    If I had one wish it would surely be
    To give you as much as you've given to me.
    Though I've put our relationship through some cloudy days,
    You've been my sunshine in so many ways.
    Through trials and tests, right by me
    You stood,
    And gave me your hand whenever you could.
    Thank you so much my sister, my friend
    My gratitude for you has no end.
    in months to come your having a baby
    i just cant wait to find out what KIT will be.

  5. I love your pregnancy, and I'm so excited for you. I loved being pregnant, and I want to do it again. Seriously, you have no idea how irrationally giddy this post makes me.

    Sending lots of positive energy and wishes your way.

    Do you have any labor or birth rituals in mind? I want to do a bead ritual for my next labor (if I am so blessed as to have a "next labor."

  6. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 19, 2012 at 5:00 AM

    Haha, aww! Now that I'm going through it, I can definitely see why anyone trying or who has been pregnant before just gets delirious over the idea of someone else being pregnant. :) Thanks so much for the positive energy!! <3

    I'd love to have a bead ritual of some kind, too -- my friend had that with her last birth, and it sounds so amazing. :) Otherwise, nope, no rituals or anything yet, though I'm sure I have a bit of time to plan for that!

  7. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 19, 2012 at 8:10 AM

    Hahaha, you can cry if you want to!! With so much emotion, I might, too. ;)

    I can't wait for you to meet Kit, either! I'm so excited you'll be able to see him/her Wednesday. I'm also thinking of bringing my doppler down so you can hear the heartbeat -- it really is a bizarre sound, haha.

    See you TOMORROW NIGHT!!! :D :D

  8. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 19, 2012 at 8:11 AM

    Aw, thank you, Kate!! We're so excited to share the journey with y'all!! :D

  9. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeJanuary 7, 2013 at 3:48 AM

    I love you, too, Mom! And it's silly to say, but I'll always be your baby. ;)

  10. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeJanuary 7, 2013 at 3:50 AM

    Haha, aw, thank you! Every week that goes by, I feel like I'm just busting out of my stomach, so it's nice to know I still look, ah... presentable. ;) (Looking at this almost two months later, I can't believe I was ever so tiny!)

    And no need to be jealous, the sleepiness has come back with a vengeance. Not feeling sick anymore, but the tired? If I could sleep 12+ hours a night, I would!

    Can't wait to see you and Bee around the middle of this year. :)

  11. [...] time I gave a weekly update on Kit’s progress, I was 16 weeks along. Now it’s two months later, and there have been SUCH amazing strides since then! He’s [...]


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