07 March 2013

Sacred Space Conference 2013

I completely forgot that the Sacred Space Conference started today until a reminder came up on my Outlook calendar. (Thank you, Outlook!! Thank you, foresight!!)

Because it came up so quickly, I rushed to draft my itinerary so I knew where I was going, what I wanted to attend, and what to bring to each. Below is that itinerary, if you're interested. I went for more cerebral presentations than rituals and the like, as those tend to appeal to me more.

I'm actually considering liveblogging from the event through my Twitter, @TheCoexistCafe, if you're interested in following along. Obviously, I won't be able to record everything that goes on as I'm sure there will be some "no cell phone" events (Lonely Coyote and Christian Stone's Shamanic Healing Circle comes to mind), but I'll try my best.

And if you're going to the event yourself, be sure to swing by and say hi!! I'll be the curly-haired, very pregnant chick. I'm sure I won't be too hard to find. ;) I look forward to meeting you if you do attend!!

Steph's Sacred Space Conference itinerary

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