27 October 2011

Samhain in a Week: Samhain New Moon in Scorpio

This actually happened last night, but for posterity, I thought I’d let y’all know about it, even a bit late. Next year’s Samhain New Moon is on 13 November, and will be in Libra.

In ancient Pagan traditions, the New Moon directly preceding Samhain was known as – you guessed it! – the Samhain New Moon. Each new moon brings a new aspect of our lives as it is reborn, and this year is especially poignant considering its positioning: It’s a new moon in a sign known for change and transformation directly before the Sabbat that heralds in a new year. A powerful Moon, indeed!

For most Americans and other Westerners, the idea of death is one full of fear and trepidation. I won’t lie by saying that I’m not one of these people, but in my quest to find peace in all things in life, so I’m also trying to find the same peace in the end that we all reach. After all, death is simply the other face to life, and the idea of the New Moon is to witness its falling away to darkness (death) and coming back to the light (life).

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This Scorpio New Moon, we firmly enter the land of Death: The dying of bad habits, addictions, fears, betrayals, and other negative energies that have consumed our lives over the past year. The Scorpio is a melder of worlds and a deep thinker, an energy intense with feelings of moving forward and bringing new ideas to fruition. When combined with the New Moon, it is a time of introspection and poking around the darkest corners of one’s mind, to seek ways of improving life both for herself and those around her.

And of course, throw this moon in right before Samhain, and it becomes a powerhouse! Those proddings into every aspect of life as things are dying around us, only to be reborn again, gives us additional strength and emotional backbone to conquer our deepest fears, battle our toughest addictions, and bring forth a life of love and contentment as never known before. It’s one of the most difficult to overcome, but knowing that we have the universe on our side is definitely a confidence booster!

I don’t know about any of you, but I’m a rather hardcore sun Scorpio. I’ve been noticing things around me making changes, from the subtle to the blatant, and people changing at about the same rates. This is absolutely a very potent time for some looking inward. I know I’ll be tackling some of my own demons this Samhain as I’m surrounded by the history of Salem, and if you’re battling your own this Sabbat, my most sincere blessings to you and a very happy New Year... as we know it will be. :)


  1. Great post; thanks for the share!

  2. Can I tell you how much I love your blog posts?

  3. I'm a bit further on the spectrum, but I'm an Aries and you know that implies that the fire of Ram in me refuses to be left behind. I'm am a child of the Dark Moon and the 13 is my favorite of all numbers so I'll be all over things.

    I found you through Witch Blog and I'm so very glad. I'm adding you to my blog circle and hope to see you over at Pagan Culture one of these days. I'll be here often. I like your voice and browsing through your older posts has told me I have all sorts of catching up to do.

    Happy All Hallow's Eve!

  4. Thanks so much for this post! I too found you through Witch Blog, and this was very enlightening!
    Happy Samhain!

  5. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 4, 2011 at 2:24 AM

    Absolutely, Tori, glad you enjoyed!

  6. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 4, 2011 at 2:24 AM

    Whyyyyy, surely you can! ;) Thank you, hon, that's uplifting!

  7. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 4, 2011 at 2:27 AM

    Oh, absolutely! You don't have to be a Scorpio to revel in this kind of atmosphere. :)

    Thank you!! I'm so glad you came by, I look forward to you hangin' around TCC and getting to know you better. :) I checked out a couple of your posts, and I LOVE your voice and the way you write, too! I have a feeling I'll be at Pagan Culture really often.

    Also hope you don't mind if I add your button to my own Blogs I Love list!

    Happy Samhain, and again, welcome to TCC! :)

  8. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeNovember 4, 2011 at 2:28 AM

    Thank you, Mrs.W! Welcome to TCC, and I'm glad you liked this post! Hope you stick around. :D


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