17 October 2011

Autumn Beauty

I consider this our first "autumn" season since Matt and I moved to Maryland in December 2009. Our first such season here, we pretty much missed it as we were in south Florida gettin' hitched (and if you're from or have ever experienced Florida, you know there are two seasons: HOT AS BALLS for about 10 months, and NOT QUITE AS HOT for about two. Fortunately, our wedding fell on a day between those two) and Jamaica following that.

So when the leaves started turning this year, we couldn't help but snap a million a few pictures! Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed taking them. :)

These are all taken either on our back patio (seriously, we are so spoiled by where we live!) or through a nature preserve within walking distance from our home.


  1. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy some Autumn colours this year. :)

  2. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeOctober 19, 2011 at 3:49 AM

    Me, too. :) It's a pleasant change from my "ordinary"!


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