23 October 2012

Pregnancy: 13w5d - Iron (and Kit's heartbeat!)

I started craving red meat a while ago, specifically steak. I don't have that craving now, but I did have it for a few weeks around 8w, and it was so powerful that I almost ignored the grossness of it (as a veg, I mean -- I know it's not gross to most!) and caved.

I honestly thought it was an iron deficiency, so I emailed Special Beginnings to see what they suggested. I was all set to up my iron intake, but I wanted to get their opinions first.

Then I had my midwife appointment yesterday, and everything was absolutely perfect. BP, urine culture, and blood were all perfect. And that included my iron levels!

If anything, my levels were actually high -- 41%! Fortunately, that's still within the range of normal (20-50%), so I actually have nothing to worry about there.

I was a little taken aback by that as, while vegetarians can (but not always) have difficulty getting iron considering iron levels in vegetables, they tend to not be easily absorbed like from meat sources. In fact, vegetarians being anemic is rather rare so long as the vegetarian is getting a diverse blend of these foods plus vitamin C. :)

Anyway, so I really had nothing to worry about. Pregnancy was just playing tricks on my brain! I don't crave it anymore, and now that I know I'm fine, I can attribute any future cravings to this same brain-trick.

I got to hear Kit's heartbeat yesterday, too!! Just over 150BPM, happy and healthy in there! Kit shied away from the doppler when the midwife first tried, haha. :)


  1. I was all ready to have to start taking Floradix when I had my iron tested when I was pregnant and mine was totally normal too! Yaaay!

  2. Woo! Go veg*ns! One more myth debunked. ;)

  3. Oh that's GREAT that your iron levels are normal! I have been a vegetarian since 2006 and last time I had my blood checked (2 years ago) I was on the low end of normal, so I worry about where my levels are at now as a preggo lady. I do eat lots of veggies and fortified cereals but I guess it wasn't enough at that time. I will find out at my next appt. the results of my bloodwork from 10/8--SO hoping I'm not iron deficient! They said they'd call if there was a problem with any of my tests and I haven't heard anything, so I'm hoping my levels are at least better than "dangerously low" or else I would have received a call, right? Maybe our prenatal vitamins are helping boost our levels? I hope I have the same result! Congratulations again--and don't feel bad about indulging in your steak. I haven't craved meat at ALL this pregnancy, but if I did, I would assume my body was sending me a message and I would have done the same. It's probably best we NOT take any chances during pregnancy!

  4. Oh, you ALMOST caved--you didn't actually cave. Well in any case, I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. ;-)

  5. Haha, not with the steak! I did have fish twice, though... and haven't wanted it since. ;)

    Ooh, I hope your bloodwork goes well!! If they haven't called -- and they would, I remember when my vitamin D levels were so low as to be dangerously deficient, and my doctor called me up all like "SERIOUSLY CALL ME BACK YOUR LEVELS ARE ATROCIOUS", lol -- then you're probably good! I think the vitamins are helping; mine, at least, has 167% DRV, and yours is probably the same. Vitamin C helps with absorption, by the way, if you're looking to increase your iron levels. :)

    And congratulations to you, too!! :D

  6. I was very iron deficient with both of my pregnancies and I did NOT want red meat. I wanted and ate tons of tomatoes.

  7. OMG, it's so funny you mention that! I love raw tomatoes anyway, but I've been eating them like CRAZY lately. Always raw, never cooked, which is totally weird. I didn't know you were iron deficient!

  8. Very. This last pregnancy my levels came back as an 8, I think, and the lowest "normal" is 10 or 12...I can't remember.

  9. I am usually vegetarian, but not when I am pregnant. Before I knew I was pregnant with my first, I hid in the Wendy's parking lot and ate a hamburger. Mind you I had not had meat in 10 years. I didn't want anyone to find out out!


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