26 December 2013

Merry @$%# Christmas!

Okay, so it didn't turn out entirely terrible, but I'm glad this isn't going to be a Christmas that Tycho remembers. We've all been sick with the crud recently, probably due to the extreme changes in weather (from mid-70s down to mid-30s in a matter of a day! What gives, Maryland?), but it all came to a head on Christmas Eve, at least for me.

The evening started innocently enough. I had been feeling rather yucky for a few days by then, as I came down with mastitis on Friday afternoon. We felt well enough to have a Christmas Eve dinner with neighbors who welcomed us into their home with open arms, though, and we had a great time.

About an hour later, though, I started getting some major chills. I checked my temperature and was floored when I saw the number: 103.6. I haven't had a fever like that since high school when I caught pneumonia! So of course, I was freaking out. We went to bed after I downed a couple glasses of water,  hoping it would break overnight but resolving to go the hospital -- one of the only places open on Christmas Day -- if it was above 102.

So of course, after finding a temperature of 102.5 the next morning (and having literally sweat my ass off overnight... you're welcome for that visual), we were prepared to head for Anne Arundel Medical Center. We first had Tycho open his gifts, which he had a lot of fun with, then packed everything up, including my pump in case they ended up admitting me.

On the drive there, I felt a bit less chilly and not nearly as on fire as I was the night before, and I told Matt, "Watch, when I get there, I won't have a fever anymore."

"Wouldn't that just be shitty."

"Well yeah, but not as shitty as still feeling this way!"

And wouldn't you know it, upon being admitted, my fever had already broken and I was down to 99.9. DUH. They still ran my vital signs and did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia or bronchitis, but everything came back normal.

Except my heart rate. I was apparently tachycardic (and had been since Friday -- they pointed it out at emergency care when I was diagnosed with mastitis), with a heart rate between 115 and 125, so since nothing else pointed to why my heart rate would be that fast, they wanted to run a battery of tests.

One EKG, a couple cups of juice, and two(!!) blood draws and cultures later, they still couldn't find anything wrong. :P And of course, my fever? Down to 98.8.

We were released at 12:30, with the diagnosis that it was probably viral, to keep my antibiotics for the mastitis going until the end of treatment, and that the tachycardia didn't appear to be too problematic and probably related to the sickness than anything, especially since my heart rate is usually around 70bpm. We're to go in if anything gets worse, but that's about it.

So yeah, Merry fucking Christmas, right? At least the rest of the day went well, and we're all on the mend!

I have a feeling this is mostly going to be added to the baby album strictly for the lulz. It'll be funny in about 15 years, right?

Some pics from Christmas Day for what I just put y'all through. :)

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