12 December 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah!

I'm a bit late with this post, I realize that. The entire extended Thanksgiving/Chanukah weekend was a whirlwind, one that didn't stop when we came home from Florida. Here are a few photos to make up for it, though, interspersed with eight things for which I'm thankful, in spirit of the combined holiday weekend. :) (I'll admit, I totally got that idea in particular from Mayim Bialik's blog on Kveller.)




1. I love that we have all these family traditions. Traditions, no matter what they are, just feel important to me, and I'm thankful that we have so many already to pass along to our son.

2. My friends are so supportive and have such wonderful advice. This parenting thing is HARD, and I'm glad to have friends who have either been there, done that or are currently there and doing that. It makes it easier knowing that there's someone else going through blowouts, teething, and learning to crawl at 2am.




3. My family -- old and new -- is very diverse in its beliefs, practices, and personalities. While they don't always get along, I'm thankful for each one of my family members, as they make a very rich environment for my son. I've learned a lot about tolerance, acceptance, and finding joy in our differences, and I know these will pass down to Tycho.

4. We had Chanukah at Matt's parents' house, then Thanksgiving at my parents' house. I love that we can share time with each of our families, due in part to how close they are in proximity to one another. I have to admit, I also love and am thankful for their food and hospitality. But mainly the food. ;)




5. I am grateful for YOU. I know I don't say this often enough, but I'm eternally grateful for your readership and, most of all, your friendship. I hope you continue to become an influence in our lives, and I hope that we can provide some helpful tidbits along the way, too!

6. I am thankful for my job, and for Matt's job, and that we can and continue to create a rich life together. I'm not talking "rich" in terms of money, but in terms of time spent, which has always been more valuable to us than any money we could make. But having good jobs and good health thanks to good insurance definitely helps, and I'm grateful that we have these.




7. Thank you Spirit for providing for us, and for giving us our greatest blessing, Tycho. I probably don't thank Spirit enough, either, but I really am grateful for everything that has been provided to us. I'm sure that hard work and dedication aren't the only things driving our lives, and if there's anything out there giving us that extra boost, well... how can you not be thankful for that. :)

8. I'mma steal this in part from Mayim: The last night of Hanukkah contains the most light of the entire holiday: eight candles and a shamash (leader candle). While we didn't get to the eighth night (bad Jew and worse pseudo-Jew!), we did get a chance to celebrate the first night surrounded by family, and you could seriously feel the light and love in the house that night. My only hope is that we can share that light and love with the world. <3




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