16 August 2013

Relactation Journey: Day 16 (some helpful websites!)


First, a quick update:

I've been making decent progress in the milkmaking process. While it's been very slow -- and I have to remind myself that it's going to be this slow for a bit! -- I can see a bit more each day, which is encouraging. It helps to go from one day to the next when I can actually see the results. Unfortunately, it's only a couple drops each time, but it's better than nothing!

However, I've stopped pumping, at least for now. I literally wasn't getting anything with it; hand expression has been working much better so far. I have a hospital-grade pump for rental on its way, so I'll resume pumping when that comes in. In the meantime, I'm settling with hand expression.

I also have some More Milk Special Blend and Domperidone, have been slowly cutting out dairy for when my milk does come in (as Tycho is still, as far as we know, milk protein intolerant), am starting the SNS soon, have been eating lactation cookies like nobody's business (and I intend to start dark beers... MMM, who knew this process would be so tasty!), and have an IBCLC that I'll be visiting after we return from our trip to Pittsburgh next weekend. I'm especially stoked for the IBCLC, as Ann Faust is incredibly well known and respected in the area and was highly recommended by my doula!

Otherwise, I've been doing a ton of research and reading to get myself up to snuff with this entire process. To that end, I've been gathering a ton of links, which I'm adding to my Pinterest and will share here for anyone else who is taking this journey. :) I hope you find them helpful!

Relactation (websites)

Relactation (books)

Relactation Success Stories

Pagan Resources ('cause y'all know I had to include this :) )

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