27 December 2012

Pregnancy: 23w (holy toledo!)

What I love: How much bigger he's getting. :) I can feel a lot of his movements now, even when it comes to spinning in circles (seriously, maybe we have a gymnast on our hands). I also love that we're so close to Matt's cousin's due date, two months to the date -- her husband is THRILLED at the idea of Kit and Baby P getting together and playing!

What I hate: This exhaustion. And my bigger belly, if only because I'm super self-conscious about it.

What I miss: My body, lol.

What I’m looking forward to the most: Putting the finishing touches on the nursery! We finally got all the furniture in, so we're just putting up artwork at this point. A friend of mine is actually making some art out of driftwood -- I can't WAIT to see what she makes!! She's so creative and has such a wonderful, creative eye. <3

Worries: Hm. Not many, really! I've been thinking more and more about labor, so I'm a little worried about that, but I have a great support system in Matt and my doula and my midwives, so I know I can make it through. I just hope Kit cooperates. :)

Symptoms: A bigger belly, pregnancy rhinitis, and soooooo tiiiiiiired. Add bleeding gums to this week, though it's certainly not the first week it's happened!

Mood: Good! I feel balanced again, which is nice. [Same]

Sleep: Still getting worse, but at least I sleep like a rock when I AM out. [Same]

Movement: Yup! Tons, too. I can't believe I was so worried last week, haha.

The belly (and the button!): Belly button still in! Totally weird, though, it’s definitely more shallow! And the belly is bigger! OMG, is it bigger. [Same]

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Weight gain: I’m up about 13-14lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight still. Which is a bit triggering, but I keep trying to remind myself that it's for good reason and my midwives want this gain! Yikes. :|

Milestones: We're not telling anyone until Kit is born (nyah-nyah! ;)), but we have a name! A first name, at least. Due to extenuating circumstances -- namely Jewish tradition and the first name not really sounding great with either option, anyway -- we're not using either of the two middle names we originally had picked out. So we're only really halfway through this battle, lol.

Still, though, we got a huge part of it out of the way! :D

Oh, and don't bother guessing. (1) You never will, and (2) I won't tell you even if you're right. ;)

How your baby's growing:

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

How your life's changing:

You may notice that your ankles and feet start to swell a bit in the coming weeks or months, especially at the end of the day or during the heat of summer. Sluggish circulation in your legs — coupled with changes in your blood chemistry that may cause some water retention — may result in swelling, also known as edema. Your body will get rid of the extra fluid after you have your baby, which is why you'll pee frequently and sweat a lot for a few days after delivery. In the meantime, lie on your left side or put your feet up when you can, stretch out your legs when you sit, and avoid sitting — or standing — in one place for long periods.

Also, try to exercise regularly to increase circulation, and wear support stockings (put them on first thing in the morning) and roomy, comfortable shoes. You may be tempted to skimp on liquids to combat swelling, but you need to drink plenty of water because staying hydrated actually helps prevent fluid retention. While a certain amount of edema in your lower extremities is normal during pregnancy, excessive swelling may be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia. Be sure to call your midwife or doctor if you have severe or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, swelling in your face, or puffiness around your eyes.
Exercise helps you sleep "When I started having trouble sleeping during my pregnancy, I asked my friends what to do. One suggested I take a half-hour walk during the day. It really helped me sleep better, and it felt great to have a little time for myself." — Linda

This Week's Activity:

Write a letter to your baby. You and your child will treasure this gift for years to come. Go with your heart and follow your inspiration. If you need help getting started:
  • Describe your feelings toward your baby and what it's like to know she's growing inside you.

  • Imagine a perfect day with your baby and what you'll do together.

  • Write down your hopes, dreams, and wishes for your baby.

  • Think about what being a mother means to you and your definition of what makes a good mother.
If writing isn't your style, put together a collage or a memory box of pregnancy mementos, says Diane Sanford, a clinical psychologist whose focus is on helping women make the transition to motherhood.


  1. I will just guess IN MY MIND BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!. <3

  2. Hi, this Cheeseydreams from LJ again. Someday I'll do an update on there, it's just hard with a newborn and not having a working laptop.
    I didn't really believe it myself, but if you're planning on breast feeding, it really does help melt the weight off. I gained about 50 pounds during pregnancy (totally not proud of that, it's pretty embarrassing), but at 19 days postpartum, I've already lost 30 pounds. So you'll most likely loose what you gain and be back at your pre-pregnancy weight in no time. <3

  3. I know it is hard but you need to move past your weight. You are doing a fantastic job and gaining appropriately. This baby is worth so much more than how much weight you gain. This is just the first step of many in which you will put your baby's needs before your own.

  4. And breast feeding can help weight loss but don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Some women hold on to weight while breast feeding. Just make sure you eat healthy and take care of your body. Give your body time to heal after you give birth. See a counselor if you are struggling that much with weight. And remember ... be kind to yourself!

  5. Totally agree with the breastfeeding helps with weightloss. I've been eating crap and yet I've already lost 7 pounds past my pre-pregnancy weight and Toby'll be a month old this week! :-) (Granted, I have much to lose overall than you do, as I'm much heavier than you, but still!)

    We decided on Toby's middle name on the way to the hospital, lol


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