13 December 2012

Pregnancy: 21w

What I love: Just about everything! More kicks, more happiness, fewer mood swings, settling back into my job... it's all coming out pretty well.

I also got notification that my Project Life core kit and binders have shipped!! Melissa, I swear, you're starting something dangerous here. ;)

And finally... Matt and I got in a little sexytime. It's been a LONG time since we have, mostly because my sex drive has been in the gutter. But I woke up this morning after a sex dream, and bow-chicka, guess what I did. Or who, rather...

What I hate: Pregnancy pains! [Same] RLP started hardcore recently.

What I miss: My body, already. And a glass of wine or something! [Same] Matt was a meeeean husband last night and bought beer (Coors Light, but still, beer!) with his pregnant wife in attendance. I admit to drooling over wines for a bit...

What I’m looking forward to the most: Finishing the bare bones of the nursery! We got paint up last weekend (it's really quite pretty), and we're replacing the moulding we bought with actual rope around the dividing line and the ceiling, which should create a pretty cool effect. Looking forward to putting that up this weekend. :) Otherwise, things are pretty quiet around here... too quiet...

Worries: Right now, none, really! [Same]

Symptoms: A bigger belly, lots of hip pain, pregnancy rhinitis, nosebleeds, some nausea on and off. I feel great otherwise! [Same]

Mood: Good! I feel balanced again, which is nice.

Sleep: Still getting worse. Hip pain and congestion, plus waking up a few times to pee, is really wearing on me.

Movement: Yes! Lots of it, too! :) [Same]

The belly (and the button!): Belly button still in! Totally weird, though, it’s definitely more shallow! And the belly is bigger! OMG, is it bigger. [Same]

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Weight gain: I’m up about 11lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. Pretty much caught up to my expected weight gain, though mostly because of, ahem... constipation. ;)

Milestones: I felt a kick for the first time on the outside this week!! It was... I don't even know, maybe a bit creepy? Definitely different from feeling them on the outside! LOL

How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

How your life's changing:

You're probably feeling pretty comfortable these days. You're not too big yet, and the usual discomforts associated with early pregnancy are, for the most part, gone. If you're feeling good, relax and enjoy it while you can — the third trimester may bring with it a new crop of complaints.

That's not to say you won't have some minor glitches to deal with now. For example, increased oil production may contribute to the development (or worsening) of acne. If that's the case, be diligent about washing well with a gentle soap or cleanser twice a day, and make sure that any moisturizer or make-up you use is oil-free. Don't take any oral acne medications — some are very hazardous during pregnancy — or use any topical acne products without first checking with your practitioner.

You're also more prone to varicose veins now. As your pregnancy progresses, there's increasing pressure on the veins in your legs; higher progesterone levels, which may cause the walls of your veins to relax, can make the problem worse. You're more likely to get varicose veins if other family members have them. Also, they tend to get worse with each successive pregnancy and as you age. To help prevent or minimize varicose veins, exercise daily, prop up your feet and legs whenever possible, sleep on your left side, and wear maternity support hose.

You may also notice so-called spider veins (a group of tiny blood vessels near the surface of your skin), particularly on your ankles, legs, or face. They may have a spider- or sunburst-like pattern with little branches radiating out from the center, they may look like the branches of a tree, or they may be a group of separate thin lines with no particular pattern. Though they may be a bit unsightly, spider veins don't cause discomfort and usually disappear after delivery.

This Week's Activity:

Create a baby registry. Even if you don't like the idea of asking for specific gifts, family and friends will soon be asking what you need or want — particularly if someone's throwing you a baby shower. If you prepare a gift registry, you'll know exactly what to tell them. Two common mistakes to avoid:
  • Registering for clothing. Don't waste your time: People can't resist buying baby clothes, and they generally pick out what they think is cute.

  • Not registering for big ticket or expensive items. Don't worry: You won't be seen as greedy. Many shower guests like to go in on a "big gift" together, so give them something to sink their teeth into.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's 'cheeseydreams' from LJ- posting from my phone. I just wanted to give my 0.02 on the baby registry: definitely put things that you absolutely need and/or want and leave off clothing, toys and books - people will buy you those regardless. I didn't put enough emphasis on my desire to cloth diaper, so I only received one at my baby shower. My parents ended up purchasing another dozen for me. I had put some extraneous items on my list that were nice to have but not needed, and it happened to be what people purchased. I'm not complaining, I'm grateful to have received anything at all, it was just a learning experience.

    Glad to hear that your mood swings are leveling out, enjoy this time. the third trimester can get tough towards the end, but it's so very, very worth it.


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