17 June 2012

More Tarot spreads.

I did a few more tarot drawings, inspired by a good friend, taffetadarling from TCOYF. Here are the results:

Read like this:
  1. The deep subconscious reason why you want to become pregnant; motives

  2. What will pregnancy make you feel; initial reactions

  3. How will you grow during the pregnancy: emotionally, spiritually, etc.

  4. When are you most likely to become pregnant (season, months or years, etc.)

  5. How will pregnancy affect your life: materialistically, career, finances, etc.

  6. How will pregnancy affect your relationship with your partner: positively, negatively, etc.

  7. Likely to have a boy, girl, or twins

  8. What will the baby bring to your life: joy, problems, etc.

  9. Is it the right time to become pregnant or to wait

  10. The experience of childbirth

  11. Effects of becoming a parent: mentally, etc.

  12. What life will be with a new child; what is to come

  13. The ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant -- the Focus

Read like this:
  1. Emotional/psychological aspects for the mother

  2. Physical/health aspects for the mother

  3. Emotional/psychological aspects for the father

  4. Physical/health aspects for the father

  5. Will of the unborn child

  6. Likely outcome for the foreseeable future (12 months max)
  1. When will I become pregnant

  2. Am I currently pregnant

This one was using a gorgeous new deck I got while in Salem.

Read like this:
  1. Earth: The foundation or what underlie the matter at hand

  2. Air: The expansion or far-reaching consequences or influences

  3. Water: Direction and movement

  4. Fire: Transformation and change to expect

  5. What binds or holds it all together

  6. The outcome of the reading; what ties the meaning of the cards together and renders the answer that is being sought


  1. Maybe I'm reading this wrong but I don't understand tarot but am fascinated by it. What did your reading/the cards say? :)


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