05 June 2012

CD18, Cycle 6: Holy shit.

I receive a daily email from Astrology.com, and typically post these kinds of things to Facebook. When I opened my inbox today, I got this, which I am NOT posting to Facebook for obvious reasons:

Your Birth Date: 11/06/1984

Nervous? You Bet!
Mars Semisquare Pluto
June 05, 2012 to June 10, 2012
The graph for Mars Semisquare Pluto
In just a couple of weeks, you can expect that secret project you've been working on to bear fruit -- big, red luscious fruit. Better prepare the multitude for the announcement now, so that it won't be quite as much of a shock. It's only fair.

Ho. Ly. Shit. I got goosebumps, I won't even lie. And tears to my eyes, but I think more from shock and the RAGING GOOSEBUMPS than anything.

Holy shit. Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

This morning coffee now seems less appetizing, heh.


  1. *Perks up ears, pointing out I'm a Scorpio too*

  2. Ooh! Highly relevant, then! :D Keeping fingers crossed for you, too!

  3. Love the horoscope for yesterday and I like that the chart updates even after you've posted it! Sending positive thoughts your way! :D

  4. Thanks, Alicia! :D How's everything for you?

    And yeah, I learned that copying the link means it updates automatically, which is pretty neat! :)

  5. Pretty good, chugging along. We've got a camping trip coming up at the end of June that I'm really looking forward too. It feels so far away, but I know the time will pass quickly.

  6. Ooh, fun!! Where are you camping? It's been forever since we've gone camping, I really miss it. We've got Toronto coming up at the end of this month, and I hear you on the whole feeling so far away thing! Hope the time passes quickly for you, too. :)

  7. It's a campground at a state park in NH (Bear Brook State Park). It's not truly roughing it, but because it's a state park and not a privately owned campground, the camp sites are bigger and there is a lot more nature left intact. Plus there is a lot to do there too, tons of hiking/biking trails, an archery range, and a large pond that we can kayak on. We've been to it a couple times last year and it's one of our favorite places to go.

    Toronto sounds exciting! I've only been to Canada once (Montreal), it was so long ago and not for vacation that I don't really count it. How long are you staying?

  8. That is VERY cool & creepy! I hope it's right!

    (& hello temp spike!)

  9. Haha, right?! I was like, whoah, okay, that's just WEIRD.

    And yup, that was a pretty significant one! ;)

  10. That's totally cool, though! I'd love to get outside and connect a bit with nature, so even if it's not "roughin' it", I'm still a liiiittle jealous. (Except the archery range, which made said jellis-y go through the roof! ;))

    Oh, lovely! Did you go there on business? Was there French everywhere? ;) We'll be there from 22 June through 29 June, so about a week! I'm so excited. :D

  11. I wish my trip to Montreal was for something like that. I let an ex convince me to go there for a protest. Oh to be young and stupid again. It was over 10 years ago when we didn't need a passport to visit Canada, and I wasted it :/

    I wish I had a bow and arrow because I have always wanted to try out archery, maybe I can convince the hubby to buy one before we go, lol. He's got his heart set on kayaks though.

    Yay, that sounds so exciting!

  12. For a protest, no way! Cool reason to be there, even if it was a bit of a waste. :) I remember when they started requiring a passport to Canada -- I didn't even need one at the time and I lived WAY farther from Canada than I even do now, but I was still like, "NOOOOO!" Same with Mexico, which was more relevant to me at the time. LOL

    I've always wanted to try, too! I shall live vicariously through you. :) And I see no problem with kayaks and a bow and arrow! LOL


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