19 April 2012

List of Awesome

Thanks for all your love and good vibes yesterday, y'all. I'm so lucky to have you. :)

I'm fortunate that I actually haven't had thedoubling over in paiiiiiin! cramps that I usually get with AF. DH says that it's because I was cramping for the few days before, lol. I'm inclined to believe him, at least so it makes me feel better!

I do have to record, though, that I have a blinding headache today; remember that time I went to the neurologist to get these checked out? I should start keeping a log of when I get them and for how long so I know for future reference. So far, I had one of these that lasted a short time a few days before AF, and now two days in. This one's significantly longer, boo.

Anyway. I never thought we'd get to this point, into our fifth cycle and still trying. I know that it takes the average couple 6-12 months of active trying to finally get an embryo that sticks, but I thought it'd take us no time at all considering I haven't been on any sort of HBC since February 2010. Apparently, I was wrong, which sucks. I'm hoping this is lucky #5, and Beltane is four days before anticipated ovulation, which is rather awesome in its own right. ;)

Since it looks like I won't be pregnant enough to show too much through the summer months, I thought it'd be fun to post a "list of awesome": Things I'll be able to do in the summer and beyond if I'm not pregnant!
  • Summer beach body HELLOOOO. Also means I can continue to work on my abs and do yoga more frequently. By those, I mean... actually work on my abs and do yoga.
  • Margaritas and Coronas by the pool, beach, whatever.
  • Screw suntan lotion... 1st degree burns all the way. ;)
  • No morning sickness to coincide with heat sickness.
  • I can still DO STUFF around the house.
  • Since we're not saving for baby stuff, we can actually work on our front and back yards. Especially the backyard... our deck needs work like whoah. Pressure washing and sanding and staining and sealing.
  • My sister's wedding can go as planned. :) Worst case scenario: I'll be heavily (but not too heavily) pregnant by then.
  • DH's cousin is getting married in June, and I might be able to drink at the reception!
  • No puking over Niagra Falls when we go in late June. ;)
  • Being able to focus 100% on Dana's upcoming baby birth of awesome!!
  • Massages. Mmm, massages... DH found a place in Baltimore with massage students, and they offer a 50-minute full body massage for $25. Guess where we're going this weekend!
  • No need to buy new clothes! I LOATHE shopping for clothes... except for cute things to wear to work. Speaking of which, I need to get some cute dresses and skirts for summer coming up...
  • Actually being able to sleep through the night (with the one exception of waking up due to allergies, but that has nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with being allergic to the WORLD).
  • COFFEE!!! And WINE!!! And other things I probably shouldn't eat/drink while pregnant!
  • Honestly, being a little selfish and self-indulgent. ;)
I'm sure there are more. Those of you TTC... want to add your own to this List of Awesome? Those of you who are pregnant, what do you miss about not being pregnant?


  1. Oooooooh, tell me about this massage place!

    While it worked out well for school, being in the first trimester during the summer was pretty lame. Definitely cut down on my enjoyment of summer things, (hiking! Baseball! Fresh produce! Yard work! Canning! Camping! Etc!) and my garden was a mess. Ugh, and camping I was sooooo annoyed by getting up to pee so often since it isn't as simple as walking down the hall at home!

  2. I need to distract myself from PMS, so I'll contribute to your list of Summer awesomes!

    * Triple cream Brie. Aw yeah!
    * Cold meats (N/A for you, though :P)
    * Pink Moscato (soooooo good! Best served with chocolate IMO)
    * Midori cocktails/mixers
    * Swimming (also good when pregnant, but when pregnant it's less "Yay fun!" & more "Ahh, that's better...")

  3. Baltimore School of Massage! :) They have a public clinic that one of DH's coworkers goes to on the regular, and I reeeeeally want to go this weekend.

    Oh yes, see, that's all the kind of stuff I enjoy doing! I imagine being pregnant can put a huge dent in those plans. ;) Funny about the camping, too -- it's probably something no one ever thinks about! Where have you gone camping, by the way? I would love to go somewhere local!

  4. Ooh, this is a good list! The cold meats thing made me LOL because, well, duh. ;) But everything else sounds awesome! Especially the swimming... I can't WAIT for the pools to open, it's been way too long since I've been in the water. Mmm, swimming!!

  5. I thought it might, which is why I left it on, haha!

    I miss swimming the way I used to - go to the local indoor pool really early in the morning (ie: when the only people there are diehard swimmers & kids training to be olympians* (all of whom use the fast lanes, leaving me the slow lane & free swim areas ALL TO MYSELF), clip my waterproof iPod case & enjoy feeling like I have my own private indoor pool! Float/stretch/swim/whatever, with the music, the whole world just disappears. I kinda can't do that these days, haha!

    *Sometimes there might be the odd elderly person who decided to arrive extra early for their aquaerobics class, but it was pretty rare & still left me heaps of space.

  6. travel without worrying about lugging baby gear or not bringing baby
    not having to buy maternity clothes
    eating whatever whenever
    sleeping in

  7. You pretty much nailed them all. Sleeping in was actually a topic yesterday between DH and I, and our neighbors (who have two adorable little girls, aged 3 and 6, who must be little hellions at the buttcrack of dawn, lol).

    Ooh, and Starbucks. YES.

  8. I love me some uninterrupted sleep...oh man haha

  9. Ooooooh, Linthicum! I don't even have to drive into Baltimore! Hot!

    We haven't gone camping tooooo many places around here yet. We camped at Assateague, not in the developed campsites, but with the back country permits down on the beach. Backpacking where there is no water source annoys me though, that is a lot of water to carry! We have also camped in a shelter at Catoctin National Park. Aaron camped at Cunningham Falls with some friends from church and liked it a lot. I really liked the campground at Deep Creek Lake State Park... it has a little beach on the lake that was lots of fun. Lets see... we've camped at Shenandoah a few time. Oh! George Washington National Forest! http://www.forestcamping.com/dow/southern/gwcmp.htm#Hawk We went to the Hawk campsite, which is surprisingly well developed for somewhere that is free. We've meant to checkout the other campgrounds at GWNF, but haven't gotten around to it. I think this summer we are going to try to camp at either Patapsco or Greenbelt Park... that way if camping with the baby fails miserably it is easy enough to bail out and go home! I guess we probably won't do anymore backpacking for a while... I do not want to backpack diapers in and out!

  10. Ooooooooh... uninterrupted sleep... *drool*

  11. I miss beer. Which is stupid, because I rarely drink.

  12. It's just one of those things, though, that someone says you can't have and you instantly want it as a result. :)

  13. hey girl :) how are you doing? I think I'm FINALLY having success in the O department!!! yay!

  14. Ooh, awesome!! Time to get it on! ;)

    I'm still chillin', nothing exciting. DH is constantly getting on my nerves, so YAY? o_O

  15. Oh, just every little thing at this point. I'll bet you anything that a lack of sexytime contact has actually contributed... here's to hoping it's better after today, lol.

    Speaking of sexytime contact!! ;)


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