02 April 2012

I guess we're trying this month.

I just need to rant. :) My sister got married in a civil ceremony on 15 February of this year, with plans for a bigger wedding and reception in mid-December. Because of these plans, DH and I put our own TTC plans on hold this month as we live in MD, my sister and her husband live in FL, and we didn't want to be that pregnant to the point where we might not be able to attend.

Well... I'm glad I talked to her Friday. She is an incredibly flaky person who will drop and pick up things on a whim, so when she told me that they have yet to secure a place or even make solid plans toward their ceremony/reception, but that they're actually thinking about pushing it back a month or two or more, I wasn't at all surprised. I was, however, pretty upset. I didn't tell her my emotions, but I did let her know that we didn't try TTC this month* because of her wedding, so to push it back another month or two (which thereby puts our plans on hold)... well, IDK.

*Yup, my sister knows we're trying. My mom does, too, and I'm sure my dad knows by proxy. DH's mom, (probably) step-dad, and grandparents know.

I'm not upset that they want to push it back. I'm cool with that. But I'm not happy that they were hellbent on a date and had told us two months ago that they had a venue for that date and were putting their deposit down. So we fully expected to hold off this month, no big deal. For her to say now that they didn't do that and that they're considering pushing it out even later?

This journey has been frustrating enough, which she of course doesn't know, so I'm not blaming her for that. It took me a bit to recover from our chemical last cycle, and I was totally fine with waiting this cycle because of that (it actually came at a good time, if you can imagine that). We were excited about getting started back up next month.

I talked to DH about it, and he's frustrated, too. He's known my sister for almost seven years now, so he knows her patterns and so forth. When he said we should try this month anyway, I was not at all surprised by that, either...

... so that's exactly what we're doing. We're going along with the trying, and we're lucky that we found all this out before ovulation (I'm CD...17 this cycle? Maybe? I've been writing down temps, but only for reference, so I don't know off the top of my head, lol). No matter what, we'll make it work with my sister's (now eventual) wedding, but we're not going to put our plans on hold for plans of hers that will likely never stick.

1 comment:

  1. [...] recent chemical. We weren’t going to try this cycle regardless considering a few issues, but one thing led to another and, about two weeks into this cycle, DH and I decided to go for it anyway. I’m currently [...]


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