30 April 2012

CD13, Cycle 5

Okay, so. DH is tracking better this month than I am. I think I've reached a level of apathy that can only be matched by my absolute forgetfulness when it comes to anything baby-related.

Case in point... I keep forgetting my prenatals, lol.

Anyway, so yeah, CD13. Exciting, right?

This weekend was awesome, though. Lots of great sex (hee! I love having fun!), and we made a few major purchases: a pair of bikes and my new iPad!

That's about it from around here. I may have more reflections tomorrow, but really, work is keeping me too busy to think about that. I'm actually really thankful that's the case.

Hope y'all are doing well. :)


  1. I keep forgetting my prenatals too! I'm a nighttime meds person, this "with a meal" crap messes me up. Especially since I never feel like eating in the morning. I've been drinking FertiliTea too. Tastes awesome. :)

  2. What prenatals are you taking? I'm fortunate that the ones I have are vegetarian and contain ginger, so they're less likely to make your stomach all wonky. It's gotten to the point where I can take them with just a cup of coffee. ;)

  3. Just generic CVS ones. They haven't bothered my tummy but I always take them with food. I have a bad track record with vitamins in general.


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