17 December 2011

Holiday Celebrations! And... I'm sick, duh.

It's seriously the worst time of year to be sick, but here I am, nursing a box of tissues while swallowing pill after pill of Comtrex and trying to bolster my immune system with Emergen-C. There are just too many things going on, holiday-wise, to be sick! Since I don't really have a huge update or anything, I thought I'd give y'all a glimpse into our celebrations this winter, and I hope I can make it through all of these!

Chanukah dinner: Usually held by someone in Matt's family. This year, it's his cousin and his family! It's a bit earlier than usual (Chanukah starts sundown on the 20th) as we're going over today, but it's still a nice tradition.

Yule ritual: I'm going to my first one in aaaaages, and I can't wait! It's going to be held by a local Pagan group this year, and I'm really looking forward to going. It's not on Yule itself (that's the 21st, and the ritual is on Sunday), but I'm still excited for the sun's return and what I'm sure is going to be a very moving ritual with tons of fun afterward. Though I'll probably leave when it ends at 7pm, ha.

Chanukah: I always anticipate celebrating at our house. We received a gorgeous menorah from Matt's Nana a few years ago, and we've used it ever since for the candle lighting and blessings. I don't think we've gotten past the fourth or fifth day; Matt usually peters out around that point. ;) But we at least get the first day in, with Matt saying the prayers in Hebrew and trading off lighting the candles.

Yule: We don't really have traditions for this yet; I've been solitary for so long and have kept my practices to myself that it's hard to incorporate anyone else. But I think we may light a candle (aside from the menorah! LOL) and exchange gifts. One of which will, of course, be pajamas. We did that last year, and it was actually a nice thing to do! This is actually my second favorite Sabbat after Samhain, so I'm hoping we can really ramp this one up in years to come.

Festivus: Will we do something for that this year? I honestly don't know. But if I'm feeling well enough, I do plan to wrestle the head of the household... or the guy who thinks he is... muahaha.

Christmas Eve: This one's actually a tradition that I took away from home. Every Christmas Eve, my family would watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. We'd also go to midnight Mass, but Matt and I obviously don't do that anymore. ;) We'd open one present before going to bed (wonder where I got the pajamas-for-Yule tradition? Well, there ya go), then conk out until...

Christmas Day: Well, Matt and I don't do Christmas. Not the "Christ is risen BORN (DUH) let's open presents!" kind of Christmas, but a Jewish Christmas: Chinese food and a movie. Whoop! We started doing this a few years ago, and I have to say, if I'm not at home with our families... this is easily the next best thing, haha.

So that's what we have planned! I'm really looking forward to sharing these individual days with y'all.

And now, more Comtrex...


  1. Ugh! I hate being sick around the Holidays! :( I hope you feel better quickly.

  2. I know you probably know this, but I figured you'd want to correct the post. :)

    It's Christ is Born! Let's open presents!, and later on it's Christ is Risen, let's hide some colored eggs and eat ham! You got it backwards. <3

  3. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 18, 2011 at 12:06 PM

    Thank you, Stacy! <3 And yeah, it's the worst time of year to be sick, but it's slowly getting better. :)

  4. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 18, 2011 at 12:07 PM

    Haha! I'm blaming sicky brain for that one. Wow... what a glaring error on my part. ;) Thank you, SB!!

  5. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 18, 2011 at 12:07 PM

    Also, LOL @ "let's hide colored eggs and eat ham!"

  6. Sounds fun! We're just finding our feet with traditions for the holidays this year. I'll be posting exactly what we're doing tomorrow though.

    Chinese food and a movie sounds like an awesome way to spend Christmas to me! :)

  7. Also... And I meant to post this first, but just noticed I didn't... That's from trying to rush before my laptop starts messing about again....


    I hope you're feeling better soon; I'm attempting to fight off my cold, and it's just barely keeping under control... Got one of those coughs that happen from time to time (especially when I try to sleep) and a bit of the sniffles, but that's it for now.

    Hope you can stay well enough to enjoy the holidays!

  8. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 19, 2011 at 3:58 AM

    Thanks, hon. :) There's gotta be something going around -- many friends are sick this time of year, and I guess those across the pond are no exception! I hope you feel better, too!

    Oh yes, and Chinese and a movie... I look forward to it every year! I'd love to read about your traditions; it's fun to start new ones with a new family. :D

  9. Thanks! :)

    I did another post today about our plans for this year; sort of a follow-up on Sunday's postt.


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