26 December 2011

Happy Everything from the Fox family!

Wishing you and your families a happy Chanukah,
a merry Christmas,
a blessed Yule,
and whatever else you may celebrate this winter season.

Oh, and a very happy New Year! ;)


  1. Thank you! And all the same to you!

  2. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    Thanks, Colleen! :)

  3. Just wondering what you believe 'Happy Everything' means? sounds kind of lame actually... What do you really mean? And is having a Pentogram superimposed on top of a Star of David some kind of sick joke? Don't you know that the Old Testament (Jewish scriptures) expressly forbids the practice of sorcery or any kind of occult practices? How can they therefore 'Coexist' in your opinion?

  4. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeDecember 20, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    Just so everyone knows, I've left this comment here because it makes me laugh. :)

  5. Happy everything! Yah..like anyone takes you seriously.


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