01 August 2011

Blessed Lughnasadh!

I hope everyone is having or has had a beautiful Lughnasadh! (To those of you in the southern hemisphere, of course, a very blessed Imbolc to you!)

I don't have a lot to share today -- things are moving at a very rapid pace and I have much to complete today. However, I do want to leave you with a few links to some great information on Lughnasadh, posted by some great friends of mine here in the blogosphere! And personally? I hope to make a loaf of cinnamon-apple bread, the recipe for which I'll share later as well.

As things slow down and life finally settles out, I'll let y'all know of the rapid stuff that's happening all around me. And considering the whole month will be swallowed up by Mercury retrograde (more on that later), it's going to be a very influential month, indeed, hopefully in a very positive way!

Blessed Lughnasadh again, everyone! Hope you have a very wonderful and beautiful sabbat, and that this year's harvest brings much joy and happiness to your lives!

Tori's blog, Torizworld

Kallan's blog, The Secret Life of the American Working Witch

Stacy's blog, Inspired by Life



  1. A blessed Lughnasadh to you too! :)

    I wanted to bake bread, but my bread maker is packed ready to move, and no matter how hard we try we can never get dough to rise in this place without the bread maker (to make rolls, we have to put the bread maker on until the first beep - which is when it's mixed the stuff and given it time to rise - then turn it off and grab the dough out to mould then bake in the oven). So we went with buying some from a local bakery. I'd love your recipe though, because then maybe I can make some after we move!

    Hope the other things keeping you busy are good things, and that you're having a blessed Lughnasadh. Also that the harvest is good to you, and sets you up for a comfortable Winter! :)

    Oh, and I'm glad you liked my posts enough to share them... Will go check out the other links in this post in a bit.

  2. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeAugust 1, 2011 at 9:42 AM

    Ooh, definitely! And that's funny about the whole bread maker thing -- of all things, I actually never had success with a bread maker, and much more success doing it by hand. I'm not entirely sure why, lol. But that sounds so much easier than making it yourself! Bread-making is not an easy endeavor. ;) I'll post the recipe later today or tomorrow!

    A very blessed Lughnasadh to you and yours, too, and I hope the harvest is good to you, too! From the sound of it, you'll have plenty of abundance where you're moving, and I am SO happy to hear that. :)

    And truth be told, I loved your entries! They were very informative, and I hope everyone reads them!

  3. I used to do it without a bread maker when we had somewhere warm enough to get the dough to rise, but now unless I want to make flat loaves I need a bread maker. ;)

    Yes, definately sounds like we'll have some great options when we move. Hope they're as good as they sound. :)

    And, I'm glad you enjoyed the posts.


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