16 August 2011

This is totally just me ranting about falling baking projects.

I consider myself pretty good at baking. My stuff always comes out hot, fresh, and delicious, and my husband (and, when said baked goods are brought to work, my coworkers) heartily approves of pretty much any baking frenzy I'm swept up in.

But goddammit, will I NEVER make a decent from-scratch cupcake! They always, ALWAYS fall, and it drives me up the wall. Makes me feel like this:



  1. For the record, if the cupcake is tasty enough most people don't care what it looks like.

  2. Stephanie @ The Coexist CafeAugust 17, 2011 at 5:26 AM

    This is true! I've got the taste down, though, and now I just want them to look pretty. ;)


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