13 March 2012

For the heck of it.

I've been posting to TCOYF all morning, and one of my questions was whether the two-day dip with the sudden rise I had this morning was normal. I'd never had that before... you know, in my three months of charting, ha. Quite a few people mentioned that my ovulation date might be CD18 instead of the CD15 that FF has had, so for the heck of it, I messed around with the reporting methods.

The first is using "Advanced" (which takes everything, even CM, into account), "OPK/Monitor," and "Research," all of which show the same chart:

The coverline is at 97.38 for this one.

Then there was simply the "Fertility Awareness" option, which is described as: "ovulation is detected after 3 temperatures above the previous 6". Changing to that option left me with this chart:

Ovulation shifts from CD15 to CD18, and coverline scoots up to 97.69.

Comparing the two, the second actually makes a little more sense in terms of temperature, and the first makes sense when counting secondary signs (CP and CM). My OPK was on CD14, and 12-36 hours after a positive OPK, one can anticipate ovulation... so chart #1 wins out again.

I'm actually not sure which one is most correct, but a very strong part of me wants it to be the second. Sure, it means a longer cycle overall, but it'd also mean we timed things just about perfectly, that I took a HPT on 8DPO (therefore, really? was I expecting a positive?), and the dip would make a lot more sense.

Ugh. I don't know. But it's interesting, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. You know, I was going to mention to you the other day that I thought you may not have ovulated until CD18. Plus, all of the EWCM leading up to day 18... I don't know. My money is on CD18. I don't put a lot of stock in ovulation kits personally.) If you look at the overall pattern, the spike really comes *after* CD18. (You also need to remember that although you had two days of lower temps, you are supposed to focus on the big picture with charting. This is kind of a weird week anyway because of the time change, so I wouldn't write off this month yet! I think charting is really great, but I think it can also drive you a bit batty ("you" in a general sense; not YOU specifically). Remember to ENJOY this process! I didn't get to have this experience (the two week wait, the planning, etc.), so I obviously have NO IDEA how it feels to go through it. I am probably one of those people you want to kick in the nuts because I didn't plan my pregnancy (which is a different kind of anxiety than the 2WW). At least when you finally tell Mr. Fox you are pregnant, he won't turn ghastly white and freak out (not in a good way) like we did. ;)

    That's just my two cents. :)


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